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"You! Aphmoo girl!" I heard an annoying voice say.

I sigh and turn around. Just who I was expecting it to be. "Yes, Ivy?"

"I don't like you and Garroth together." She glared.

I sighed. "Okay, first off, I didn't ask you for your opinion, and second, my name is pronounced Aphmau."

She rolled her eyes. "I don't care how to say your name. If Azura likes Garroth then I'm going to help her get him."

I made a confused and mad face at the same time. "Garroth is off the table."

"He's not off the table until he's dead," Ivy snickered.

My eyes widened. "Wow. You guys are just too obsessed with him."

"Not me," Ivy trailed off, "Azura is heartbroken without Garroth."

I pretend to think. "Then maybe she shouldn't have cheated on him. Don't you think?"

"That wasn't-"

"Ivy, cheating is cheating. You can't change that. She was making out with Zenix."

Ivy didn't know what to say. All she could really do was scoff. "You're not anything without your boyfriend."

I smiled. "I mean, Ivy, I know she's your friend, but you have to distinguish between right and wrong."

"You'll pay, Phoenix."

I turned around and walked back to my class that she made me late for.

It's okay though, I didn't like the class that much either. Ugh. Calculus.


"Wait, so Ivy like, threatened you?" Garroth rose an eyebrow, showing concern.

I shrugged. "I doubt she'll do anything. All talk. No walk, you know?"

"I guess. I just don't want you getting hurt."

I smiled. "I appreciate that. But I can take care of myself."

"I don't doubt that." He flashed a famous smile, one that made me feel warm inside.

"We have chemistry next," I state.

"We've always had chemistry, love," He said huskily.

I giggle. "Yeah. Like that time you complimented my 'earrings' that I was totally wearing."

Garroth pretended to be sad. "Hey! I was stupid back then."

"It was only about a month ago, sweetheart." I laugh.

He pretended to pout. When the bell rang, his facial expression soon softened.

"Off to chemistry!" He shouts.

I roll my eyes and grin. "Nerd."


"Okay class," Mrs. O'Donnel said, "Here's the homework, but I'll give you class time to do it and you can work with your partners."

Garroth and I exchanged glances, before we met together.

"This is super easy." He grinned.

The Heartbreaker And The Heartless ⏤ GARMAUWhere stories live. Discover now