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The week went by very quickly. There were surprisingly a fair amount of people talking about the 'me running away' rumor.

And about Garroth and I, of course.

It was Friday, I was sitting on my desk chair, trying to get the rest of my homework done. It's not like I can go anywhere, I'm grounded for a week.

But I guess a week is really, really good if you think about it. If Aaron wasn't there I would've gotten grounded for life.

I stared down at my math, (which I'm still very bad at) I started to do the problem slowly. Then after that I did another, twiddling my pencil occasionally.

I did most of them then gave up. I sighed, getting ready to shower, since there wasn't anything else to do.

I run the water and grab my towel, which was fluffy and purple. I grab my phone and start to play music before I go in.

After I was done and dressed, I laid on my stomach, on my phone at the same time. There was music playing still.

Passing time on a Friday night was kind of hard when you're on house arrest.

I started to draw, clean my room more, dance, sing, read, attempt to get more homework done, and ate dinner.

Around ten, I got a text from Garroth.

Garroth<3: hey, be ready I'm coming at 1:00

Me: 1AM? Did you forget that I was on house arrest XD

Garroth<3: of course I didn't forget . Just be ready casual clothes will do

Me: I hope u have a plan for this

Garroth<3: I do, I'll call you when I'm ther

I secretly went downstairs and made myself a cup of coffee to help me stay up. Caffeine made me hyper, meaning I had to drink a decent amount.

I said my goodnights to mom, going back up the stairs. I then pass some time before midnight.

Hopefully my mom is asleep with him trying to sneak me out.

It was already midnight, so I put some casual clothes, grabbed some cash and a sweater.

I heard my phone vibrate on the table and I picked it up almost immediately. "Hello?"

"I'm down the street so your mom couldn't hear the car. I'm by your house and all the lights seem to be off except yours. You ready?"

I put the phone on my shoulder which was holding it up to my ear. "Should I wear shoes, sandals or slippers?"

"Whatever you want."

I slip on some shoes, those would make less noise when I walk.

"Don't forget your house key."

"Thanks," I say, grabbing it off my desk table.

"I need you to get out of your house quietly, make sure you don't make a big noise."

I roll my eyes, tip toeing out of my room, turning off the light and closing the door quietly.

"Obviously," I whisper through the phone.

I walk down the stairs slowly and quietly before reaching the front door, I keep the lock on, going out and then shutting it quietly.

Not as hard as I thought.

Then I see Garroth, his phone in his hand as he ended the call. I tie my jacket around my waist before walking over to him.

"Hey," He whispers, offering me his hand.

"Hi," I reply taking his hand, walking towards his car. "What is this? The second time you've snuck me out?"

"I like being sneaky?"

I scoffed playfully, "Riiiight."

He opened the car door for me, then going to the other side and starting it.

"May I ask where we're going this fine evening?"

"How does the beach sound?"

"Quite wonderful, actually," I say, kicking back in his car. We pass by my house slowly and quietly.

Soft music played in the background of the car. We drove to what I believe was the beach we went to for our first date.

"I heard the stars are really pretty at the beach, since there's no light and all."

"I never really payed attention to that."

Small talk could only go so far. Most of the ride was quiet, but the silence was comforting in a way.


"I just wanted to say that I'm so lucky that you're giving me a second chance."

Garroth and I were walking hand in hand, finger intertwined as we started to walk down the beach a little bit.

The sand was cool and a little damp under my feet, the cool breeze hitting us.

"I'm still.... in love with you."

"Me too."

I giggled, feeling the blush in my cheeks get darker, he lifted out my hands, kissing mine.


He chuckled, swinging our arms a bit. "We can sit in the roof of the car and look at the stars if you want."

"I'd be glad to."

The Heartbreaker And The Heartless ⏤ GARMAUWhere stories live. Discover now