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"Soooooooo, how was your date?" Laurance asked over the phone.

I chuckle. "Sometimes, you're just a total idiot, you know."

"More than aware of that, Mr. Ro'meave," He sighed, "So, how was it?"

"It was fine."

"Fine? Not amazing? Or spectacular? Just "fine"?" He asked, a tone in his voice.

"It was great, Laurance," I say, changing into my more comfortable clothes.

"Well, thats good. I'm glad to hear that 'Garmau' has sailed."


"Garmau. It's your guys' ship name."

I sighed. "I think you're hanging out with Kawaii~Chan too much. She's starting to rub off on you with the 'shipping'."

"It's actually pretty fun. But I have to go to bed. I'll see you tomorrow at school."

The call ended and I crashed on my bed.

So, Garmau, huh? I thought to myself. I kinda liked it.

And then I drifted off to sleep.


"Hey," I heard a familiar voice greet me.

I look down, seeing one of my favorite people.

"Hey," I said, slipping my hand into hers intertwining them.

She turned slightly red, walking with me. I saw some girls whisper things to other girls.

I saw someone go up to me that I really didn't want to see. "I thought you would 'never again' fall in love after me."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. I said that. But I what I really meant was that I'd never love you again."

"Who is this anyway?" Azura pointed at Aphmau, disgusted.

"I am the girlfriend of Garroth. And for once, I think he's kinda happy with his life right now so can't you just leave him alone?"

Azura scoffed. "Guys! Look over here! It's the downgrade!" Azura shouted, calling gall of her friends over.

A flaming pink haired girl and Lilian started to laugh.

Aphmau looked mad. "Look. If anything, I am an upgrade from you. And stop being so petty. He's moved on, respect that. Let's go Garroth."

Ivy stepped in front of Azura. "Don't talk to my friend like that."

Aphmau laughed. "Tell her to grow up, then I'll stop talking to her like she's a child."

We walked off, her hand still with mine.

"GARROTH YOU'VE GOT YOURSELF A KEEPER!" I heard Dante shout. I smile and nod, " I think so too."

Aphmau giggled. "I just don't particularly like bullies. Especially them. And I feel bad because I think Azura only started hanging out with them after you and her broke up."

"She did."

"Let's just never mind about this. What's been done is done and we can't change that."

I nod, as we went our separate ways, going to our classes.


So most of my classes were boring like usual. Thank Irene that school is over, because I really just want to be done with school.

I met Aphmau in the hallway, walking with her.

"Should we go to my place or yours?" I ask, jamming the key into the ignition.

"It doesn't really matter."

"Okay. I think I'm just going to go to your house."

Aphmau nodded and smiled. She plugged in her auxiliary chord and started playing music.

"I know I can treat you better, than he can," I heard her sing. I smile and give an awkward chuckle and soon started to sing along.

I could get used to this.

A/N: OKAYYYYYYY HIII! i know my updates are slower, sorry..... BUT IM SO EXCITED FOR SEASON THREE OF DIARIES!!! (and sorry in theres typos. I did this on my computer)

love you all!


(babyduckyyy )

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