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The graduation ceremony.

With some tears of joy and sadness, we're at the graduation ceremony. I'm sitting in the chair, seeing our speaker ready to speak.

This isn't as cliche as it seems, I promise. I'm not giving the graduation speech this year. Garroth isn't either.

We had a purple cap and gown, which I thought was nice, I had a very dark purple, almost black dress underneath.

She fixed the microphone, clearing her throat.

"It's funny to think that after this, we're going to be adults. Well, most of us anyway," Katelyn's voice spoke, "College isn't going to be easy, no one said it was going to be. But we survived the dramas of high school, I think we can get through some of the struggles."

She ends up flipping some of the flash cards that she has, smiling. "I'd like to thank mostly everyone for a great year, especially to all of my closest friends, you guys know who you are," She laughed, "We're here because we struggled. We struggled and we made it. Four years whizzed by and now we're in a cap in gown, ready for life. And I think it's safe to say, that's scary."

"We'll end up going our separate ways, we'll end up drifting apart from people you thought would be by your side forever. But I think that we can get through this. Just like we've always been able to do. We'll get knocked down, and it's our decision to get back up again. So please, you've been able to pick yourself back up, sometimes with the help of some people. So if you fall, pick yourself back up."

She paused, flipping to her final card. "I've fallen, we all have. And sometimes you'll need help getting back up. So thank you, to my friends, family, staff, and thank you to everyone who has been so loving and supportive toward me and each other. These four years have been so good to me. We've finished high school. The next mission is our lives. I'd also like to give a special shout out to Travis, the idiot with the white hair, I love you."

Katelyn stepped off the podium, the crowd aweing and clapping. I laughed, looking back and seeing Garroth.

I never thought that I would dread graduation. I thought that I would always be happy. That I'd be free.

But I guess being free had a cost.

The receiving of the diplomas, and the teachers and staff, words were said, and then they finally let us move to where we wanted to go to throw our caps.

Lucinda, Laurance, Travis, Katelyn, me, Garroth, Nicole, Dante, Kawaii~Chan, and Zane all got to the same chair column.

We moved our tassels, throwing our caps. We hugged and kissed, more tears starting to flow.

"We graduated!" Nicole shouted, hugging everyone. I do the same as everyone else follows.

I really wanted to get the pictures over with, then go to my house, where me and Garroth were going to discuss what was going to happen between us, before we went to Katelyn's house for her little get together.

I'm still very anxious for that talk.

We all said our goodbyes to a couple more friends, not caring about Azura or Gene.

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