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"Garroth, let's make something," Aphmau sighed, pure boredom in her eyes.

"What do you wanna make?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. I'm not good at cooking. I guess I can bake a little bit though."

"I'm the total opposite. I'm alright at cooking, but I can't bake."

She started to spin herself around in the swivel chair.

"I have an idea."

"Go ahead."

"Okay, so basically you can't bake, I can. You can cook, I can't. So let's just make dinner and bake a dessert. It can be something super simple."

I nod, stopping her chair from spinning. "Sounds like a plan to me," I grab her hand and pull her up.

"Let's get started."


I was washing my hands, while Aphmau was busy doing something.

I turned off the tap and flicked water in her face.

She giggled, "Garroth!"

She went over and washed her hands, doing the same thing to me while I was drying my hands.

Aphmau is kinda short so she didn't really do that much damage.

"You're lucky you're tall," She grumbled. But she didn't mean it. I could tell from her tone.

I smiled, hugging her from behind. "I know," I said quietly.

"So I can do this."

I lifted her up bridal style, walking away from the kitchen.

Aphmau started to have a giggle fit as she turned slightly red.

"I thought I would be heavy," She commented.

I shook my head. "You're pretty light."

She smiled. "Let's go back to the kitchen. We're not done yet."

"We're only making grilled cheese and cookies." I frowned.

"I know that. But still. It's going to be fun, I promise."

Then we started getting back to work. A little bit of dilly dallying here and there.

We didn't have enough space to fit all of the cookie dough. That was what took us the longest.

Aphmau started to hum a familiar tune that I knew. I smiled, grabbed my phone and quickly played the song.

"All the right friends in all the wrong places."
(All the right moves -One Republic)
"Yeah we're going down,"

"All the right moves and all the right faces."

"I didn't know you knew that song." She smiled leaning against the counter.

"I have a varied music taste because my dad played different kinds of stuff and my mom only played Beyoncé." I rolled my eyes.

"Mine did too. Single ladies is her all time favorite."

I chuckle, as the song started to fade away and another one played.

"Don't you stop that music, get into it won't you dance with me."
Lose it -Oh Wonder
"Find a place and lost you can do it won't you dance with me."

"Move our feet and feel it, in the space between."

Aphmau didn't really know some of my music but I don't blame her.

My music is weird.

But I guess that's what makes it good right?

I heard a ding, which distracted me from my thoughts.

"The final batch is done!" Aphmau shouted, taking the cookies out of the oven.

"Thank Irene."

She put them on a plate and sat down the the couch with me and the plate of grilled cheese.

I took a bite and so did she.

"Mm...." She said, pleased.

She was leaning against me, fiddling with the remote. I was done, so I put the plate down gently, picking up a cookie.

"These are good." I say, taking another bite.

She smiled. "Thanks. Now what should we watch."

"Do you like 'Once Upon A Time'?"


"Great. Season five just got on here." She smiled, playing it.

We started to get more comfortable, her head was resting on my side, my arm was wrapped around her.

I kissed her cheek, then her other cheek, then her forehead and nose and her lips. I kissed everywhere on her face.

She giggled, pulling me into another kiss.

I don't have words for how I feel about her. I can't explain it.

I love how her eyes light up when she talks another something she loves.

And how excited she can get. And how positive she will always be.

I also love how she can stand up for what's right. For what she believes.

Looking at her was beautiful.

I kissed her temple. "You're beautiful you know."

"Garroth...." She smiled, turning red, burying her face in my chest.

I rubbed her back, watching her.

It was like our own fairytale.

The Heartbreaker And The Heartless ⏤ GARMAUWhere stories live. Discover now