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"Laurance, I don't want to go to the stupid party, okay?"

"Gene is making me!" Laurance whisper shouted. He didn't want to wake Aphmau.

"You don't have to listen to him!"

"Yeah. I kinda have to! I used to be in the Shadow Knights!"

"You were a stupid teenager."

"Still am!"

I chuckled. "Alright. I'll go. But she's coming with me." I point over to the sleeping Aphmau.

"When is the party?" I ask.


"Wow, really thought out huh?" I said sarcastically, "I could have said no. And you would have been screwed."

"I don't plan on drinking."

"That's what you say about every party you get forced to go to."

"You're right and you're a designated driver."

"I don't party anymore."

"So you can't be a designated driver?"

"Of course I'm going to be the driver! I can't trust you right?" I hit him on his shoulder.

"Maybe Aph can-"



"I said no. She's coming, but only because I'm not going to leave her here having second thoughts."

"Understandable," He paused, "When are you going to tell her about it?"

"When she wakes up. We just had our last mid term. She's exhausted."

Laurance nodded. "I'll be here at five tomorrow."

Then he left and it was just me and Aphmau. I decided to watch American Horror Story before she woke up. She doesn't really like the show so I guess it was a good time to watch it.


"So, a party?" Aphmau gave a look of confusion.

"Yeah. A party. Laurnace is dragging me and I want to drag you too."

"I'd be happy to be dragged with you to this party. If that made any sense." She smiled.

"It made sense. And it's tomorrow."

"What time?"

"It starts at six. Laurance is going to pick us up."

"Alrighty. I'm assuming that I need to dress decently."

I shrugged. "It's really up to you. You look good in anything."

"Aw, stop...." She smiled, looking down.

I kissed her forehead. "I should get going-"

"You could stay," She interrupted, her face turning red, "I mean, if you want to-"

"I don't mind." I chuckle. I hold my hand out as she takes it gently and I pull her closer to me.

"I would have to tell my mom, though."

"Of course." A smile tugged my lips before I leaned in pressing mine into hers.

She smiled into it before she was out of my grasp. "MOM! GARROTH IS STAYING OVER!"

I flinched slightly by the sudden yelling. "OKAY! DON'T HAVE TOO MUCH FUN!" She laughed.

Aphmau and I's face both heated up. "M-MOM!"

The Heartbreaker And The Heartless ⏤ GARMAUWhere stories live. Discover now