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Three days before graduation.

Sniffles and sobs were heard throughout Aphmau's room. Something that I wish didn't happen happened.

She completely broke down.

She invited me over, sounding pretty quiet, which I automatically knew something was wrong.

She greeted me nicely, a quick peck on the lips. She wasn't as energetic and outgoing as usual. Something was bothering her.

I let it slide for about half an hour, hoping that she would perk up, but she didn't. So I decided to ask.

"Is everything okay?" I ask, grazing my thumb over her hand.

"Hm? Oh. Yeah. I'm fine." Her voice seemed rehearsed and in a monotone. She looked at me, giving a weak smile.


"I said I'm fine-" she could barely get her words out, before choking on a sob.

And I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. She started to cry, trying to calm herself down and failing miserably at it.

I pull her close, letting her curl up on top of me, letting her tears fall onto my shirt as she clutched the fabric.

I drape an arm around her, a hand running through her hair. "You can't fool me with that 'I'm fine' stuff anymore, It's okay. I'm here,"

"We have th-three days and the s-summer. You won't be th-there after t-that." Her muffled voice trembled, letting out painful sobs.

I had to take a deep breath, trying not to cry myself, realizing that she was right.

"I don't want you to go...," She whispered almost inaudibly. Just enough for me to hear. "I-I'm so unbelievably ha-happy for you, G-Garroth. A-And be mad or-or call me s-selfish all you want, but I-I love you way to much to let you go."

Tears pricked at my eyes, so I blinked and let them flow, quickly wiping them.

"I'm not mad, Aphmau." I sighed, holding her closer.

"I-I feel the same way."

She choked out a sob, looking up. Her eyes red and puffy, more tears brimming them.

"It's okay, let it out."

"I just- I don't-" She cut herself off with another pained sob.

"I know,"

And we both cried, more her than me. I held her, not saying anything. I just comforted her until she could calm down.

"We're really gonna have to go our separate ways, huh?" She laughed in disbelief, shaking her head.


Still in each other's embrace, I cupped her cheek, wiping away at her cheek, even though there were barely any tears left.

"Lets make these last three days worth it, okay?"


"No," She protested, wiping her face, "Whatever happens will happen and I'll learn to love with it. But right now, I want these three days to be with us. Okay?"

I sighed. "Okay."

She smiled, pulling me into a kiss.

I wrapped my arms around her waist, hers wrapping around my neck. She smiled against it.

We kissed again, this time more passionately. This time I smiled.

"We're going to talk more after graduation right?"

"Of course,"

Her mood immediately changed again, pulling me into another kiss, lips connecting, as we moved in sync.

I have three days with her. Maybe some of the summer.

And that's it.

So I put all the love I have, sealing them in kisses and more.

A/n: it's short but the next chapter is probably going to be hella long :) I hope you enjoyed!

Much love,

The Heartbreaker And The Heartless ⏤ GARMAUWhere stories live. Discover now