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"I'm sorry."

Both of us said in unison.

What could she be possibly sorry for?

Before I could ask, she cuts me off with a string of fast sentences.

"I'm sorry for not letting you explain your side well enough, and worrying you, and making you feel like nothing because of what I said, I'm sorry for calling you heartless-"

"And I'm sorry for everything that I've done, for kissing Azura even if I was drunk out of my mind, I'm sorry for hurting you and calling you a heartbreaker, I-I'm just so sorry."

She sighs, gripping the bed sheets gently, obviously not knowing what to say. You could cut the tension with a knife.

"I don't think you have anything to be sorry for."

Another sharp inhale entered her body, she's almost trembling. I could see little spots on her pants, more and more dripping by the second.

"Aphmau, please say something."

"I-I forgive y-you..," She sobs out, I immediately pull her into my embrace feeling her grip my shirt and slowly cry into it.

"I'm not leaving."

I ran a hand through her hair, then quickly tried to comfort her by rubbing her back, I waited a little bit for the sniffles and cries to subside, making sure she was okay with talking.

"What are w-we going to do about us?" She squeaked out quietly, as if not wanting to ask the question.

She was in my lap now, I held her tiny figure and my legs held her off the side of the bed.

"Do you want to give up on 'us'?"

She laughed in disbelief. "Now why would I ever want to do that?"

A sigh of relief escaped me when she asked to same question, a stupid question.

Do you want to give up on us?

"I'll never give up on us, I love you," I mumble the last part, as if saying it would break her.

"Can we just start slow?"

"Of course," I say, playing with her hair, trying to relax her a bit.

I didn't really know what slow meant. We already knew each other, we already kissed, hugged-

"Kind of like a restart, but not really. I don't know how else to explain it. Like be boyfriend and girlfriend and stuff, but just slower."

That's what she meant.

I nodded, her arms reluctantly wrapping around my torso as I returned it, engulfing her with my arms.

I enjoyed her presence.

And I hope she enjoyed mine.


The next day,

"So did you guys kiss and make up?" Laurance asks as I close my locker shut, putting the lock back on it.

"It's more like, hug and make up."

"So you guys aren't dating?"

"We're taking things slow for now. A lot of things happened."

Laurance nodded, we suddenly both heard foot steps, seeing Travis and Dante.

"So?" Travis' curiosity chimed in right on time, I smile and lean against my locker a bit.

"We're together. But I don't know if I'm supposed to tell you guys. We didn't really talk about it."

"You were lucky to get a second chance," Dante huffs, patting my shoulder.

"Believe me, I know."

Katelyn later came up to me, talking to me about Aphmau, and that if I hurt her like that again she's going to have to fight me.

The talk of the school has been about the rumors of Aphmau going missing and actually having a fake ID.

Which both were true, she did do both and pull off both in the same weekend.

I walk to my chemistry class, seeing the one and only sitting at my table.

I smile,

Then she smiles back.

I am so in love with this girl.

And she still might not fully understand that yet.


I know you guys want more. And y'all deserve it but I kinda had a writers block.

I'll start being more active soon.

Bye my loves :)

The Heartbreaker And The Heartless ⏤ GARMAUWhere stories live. Discover now