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Sunday morning.

"What are we going to do today?"

Aaron looks up, pouring syrup on the pancakes. "We're going to eat and I'm going to drive you home."

He made me realize that I was actually pretty homesick.

"Sounds like a plan." I placed a small piece of pancake in my mouth, chewing the sweet sensation.

"And I'm going to explain stuff to your mom and you're going to sort things out with your lover."


"But nothing, you broke each other's hearts and you're going to mend them together."


He smiled, starting to wash the dishes. "And you're going to drive. I know your mom would flip out."

"She's going to do way more than flip out," My eyes widen, "I'm all she has."

Aaron huffed. "You're going to be put on house arrest."

I nodded, laughing. "House arrest is an understatement."

"Are you packed?"


"Let's go. Bye Jacob! Bye Leona!"

And we were off.



We were sitting outside, trying to see if Aphmau's car was anywhere in sight. We were all just about to go inside and them my eyes deceived me.

Aphmau's car was heading toward us.





Sylvana walks out, her eyes watery when she sees her only daughter drive into the parking lot.

She exits the car with, a guy?

My eyes widen as Aphmau smiles at me. I was too shocked to smile back.

"Aphmau, you had me worried sick-"

"Mija, we need to sit down and talk-"

"You got a new dude?-"

"I have too many questions right now-"

"GUYS!" She shouts, rubbing her temples. "I will explain."

We all stare at the tall guy in the back and then at her. "I went to O'Khasis. I met him, and no, We're not dating. I know mom's going to kill me, but everybody, this is Aaron."


"I ran away because I was tired of living this life. So I went to go live a new one for just this weekend. I know I had you all worried sick and I'm sorry. I won't do it again."

"And Mrs. Phoenix, hi. I'm Aaron and would you mind if I spoke to you in private about he situation?"


"I'd like to reassure you that I'm actually twenty three and I have a son at home. Nothing happened between your daughter and I, I promise."

She huffed out, taking Aaron in the house. Relief flushed over me.

"Aphmau, as much as we love you, please don't do that again," Travis sighed, being the first one to actually hug her.

"I won't. I'm being put on house arrest from my mother after this."

We all laughed at her joke. Katelyn went up to her, "You're so stupid for going AWOL on us. But I love you."

She hugged Katelyn back and smiled.

Laurance went up to her. "I'm not going to lecture you. I give you props for actually pulling it off."

She laughed, pulling him into a hug.

Then she faced me. She didn't say any words.

"You had me worried-"

I was it off by her hands wrapping around my torso, I start to blush, returning the favor.

"Can we talk later?"

"S-Sure," I stammer.

"Stutter King is back, everyone. Good job, Aph, you totally triggered it."

"L-Laurance, s-shut up!"

We all laugh, Aaron and her mom walking out of the house. Her mom nodding.

"Aaron, how are you going to get home?"

"It's a twenty five minute plane ride back home. I'll be fine. Now bring it in, kid."

She wrapped her arms around him. Mumbling a thank you before letting go.

"Aphmau, you're grounded for a week starting tomorrow."

She smiled. "Alright."

"No car privileges and going out. If I catch you sneaking out I'll add on another week. Got it?"

"Yes, mom."

We all laugh. Aphmau walks toward me, tapping my shoulder. "Do you have time?"

"Of course."


We both sit there awkwardly before we both lather up the courage to say something.

"I'm sorry."

The Heartbreaker And The Heartless ⏤ GARMAUWhere stories live. Discover now