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"Aphmau's, what?!"

"She's missing, Garroth. Missing."

"H-How is Aphmau missing?! Where could she have gone?!"

"I'm not Aphmau! Her car is gone and everything."

I ran my fingers through my hair. "I'm going to her house. I'll call you back."

I clicked the button, hanging up the phone, sliding my phone into my pocket.

I got into my car and drove. As soon as I got there, the door slammed, and I knocked on her door.


"Get in," She said with a stern tone in her voice. Shocked, she dragged me into the house.

She made me sit on the couch as she spoke, "Do you have any idea where she could've gone?"

I shrugged. "I-I really don't know."

Sylvana sighed, taking the mug to her lips and sipping it. "I would really like to blame you for this mess. But I can't, because I know it's not your fault."

A sigh of relief escaped my lips. The last thing I wanted to do was get Sylvana mad.

"I can't believe she's gone."

"She's a smart girl, Sylvana. She'll be fine on her own, I know it. Maybe she'll come back. Just in a matter of time."

"We have to find her."

I sighed. "I know. But we need to also give her space. If she doesn't come back tomorrow, we'll file a missing person report."

She nodded in agreement, pulling me into a hug. I wanted to apologize for how stupid I was.

I cheated on her. And now she's gone.

I gave her a weak smile, before walking out of the house and driving back home. I really hope she is okay.

Because I can't afford for anything to happen to my little angel.



I yawned, seeing the light peek through the window of Jacob's room.

I stretched, before walking to the hallway to find Aaron. He wasn't in the room so I checked the kitchen.

"Good morning," He greeted, not even needing to turn around.

Jacob gave a bright smile and shoved more pancakes in his mouth.

"Good morning," I reply, walking over to Aaron. He looked at me, barely showing any emotion.

I awkwardly walked off, grabbing my toothbrush from my bag and brushing my teeth, my hair and changing my clothes.

"There's eggs and bacon for you."

"Thank you."

I sat down while Aaron went to the couch to watch tv. I shoveled the eggs and bacon in my mouth in a polite way.

Jacob just laughed at me.

"I was thinking about taking Jacob to the park today. Would you like to tag along?"

"Are you sure-"

"Yes. Would you like to come?"

"Yeah," I replied, taking my dish to the sink and washing it.

Aaron picked Jacob up, both of them laughing. "Wanna go to the park, son?"

He giggled and nodded, Aaron putting him down as he packed some things and grabbed his keys. I took my purse with me.


"Aphmau, come play with us!" Jacob motioned me to come.

I laughed. I was only sitting on the bench watching him and Aaron chase each other around.

"I'm going to get you, Jacob!"

He threw a laughing fit while running around the big field in the park.

And just then, maybe I was starting to forget about all of my problems. Maybe I was finally experiencing the freedom of being free.

Everything was bright. The colors just started to become more vibrant.

Why couldn't every day be like this?

Jacob eventually got tired, and we all sat down on a bench talking while Jacob chimed in with cute little remarks.

"I'm having a great time so far. Thanks for letting my stay at your house for the time being."

Aaron sighed and smiled. "It's not a problem. I was once like you."

"What do you mean?"

"Wanting to run away from everything. To escape. It's fun. It's a good experience."

I nodded, "It must be. Because I've never felt better in my life."

While I was over here, not caring. I realized that they're over at Phoenix Drop.

Wondering where in Irene's name I went.

Then everything just started to feel worse and worse all over again.

The Heartbreaker And The Heartless ⏤ GARMAUWhere stories live. Discover now