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A/n: I'm switching pov's a lot. Only between Aphmau and Garroth.

We all sat down on our reserved table, hanging our purses on the side of the chair. I immediately spot Ivan and Gene.

I look away, trying to find Azura and Ivy.

I soon find them, mingling with Ivan and Gene. I just hope to Irene that Azura doesn't approach me or Garroth.

"Guys, lets dance!" Katelyn suggests, bouncing to the rhythm of the song.

The guys wanted to stay. I looked at him quizzically. He gave me a reassuring hand squeeze.

"I'll be fine, go have fun with them."

I nod, walking off with Katelyn who had grabbed my wrist, leading me onto the dance floor. And as soon as I stepped on, I started to dance.

I probably wasn't that good at it, which made me slightly embarrassed, but we graduate soon so I shouldn't really care what people think.

The song choices started to get better as the girls and I formed a little circle that we danced in.

But I couldn't help, but wonder what the boys were all talking about.


I watch Aphmau leave with Katelyn on the dance floor. After they were far gone from the table, we started to talk.

"Zane, since when have you and Kawaii~Chan been a thing?" Dante sips his water, smirking.

"I-I don't know, a while now."

"I can't believe you kept this from me, even after all the times I asked if you had a girlfriend," I chuckle, shaking my head. I cross my arms and lean into the seat a little more.

"W-Well I wasn't that c-confident so," Zane replied, blushing a little bit.

"You're really into her huh?" Travis asks,

"Well, I think she's really cute and she makes me smile a lot and-" He cut himself off, huffing, remembering that he doesn't have to answer any of our questions.

"Have you and Katelyn sorted things out?"

"We're going to try long distance. She's also going to try to work at an airport so she can fly for free."

We all nod, wishing Travis the best for his relationship with her. They've come a long way and it would suck to see them break up after going through so much.

I'm basically a huge Travlyn shipper is what I'm saying.

"Laurance, You've been awfully quiet," Zane points out.

Our attention turns to him, seeing that he looks very concentrated and a little upset. His eyes fixed in the girls' direction.

"I'm watching out for Ivan. I'm fine though," He murmurs, which we all know is a lie.

"Lucinda is a witch and she's powerful, she could beat Ivan up any day. Plus, she's with Katelyn, Nicole, and the other girls, she'll be fine." I reassure him, smiling.

He sighed. "You're right." He mumbled the next
part, "for the first time,"

"Hey! I heard that!"

The Heartbreaker And The Heartless ⏤ GARMAUWhere stories live. Discover now