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A/n: hoping the prom scenes don't seem to similar to my Laurmau AU 'what is love' on my main account. If it does then sorry lol.

Today is our senior prom.

Katelyn and KC decided that they wanted to get ready at my house, Lucinda and Nicole were going to meet us all here.

During the week, there was a slight change of plans. The limo is only going to my house, all the boys would just come over later.

I had just finished doing my makeup, and I was helping Katelyn get hers done while Kawaii~Chan was straightening her hair, since it's naturally wavy.

Katelyn doesn't really know how to do these types of things very well, so we helped her.

"Thanks for this guys," She blurts out, trying to be as still as possible as I swipe the eyeliner over her eye.

"It's not a problem, Katelyn."

"Yeah, I don't mind doing your hair, Katelyn-Sama!"

We all giggle as I finish up her makeup, she smiled and thanks me. She wanted it light because Katelyn is just that beautiful, she doesn't need a lot.

I don't think anyone needs makeup to feel beautiful because everyone is. But we do it because we like to. I mean, makeup is art isn't it?

I continue doing my hair, curling the ends loosely. I didn't need to do much with my hair. If I braided it and curled it, no one would've been able to see it, since my hair is dark.

Kawaii~Chan had some fancy waterfall braid and the bottoms were curled which was really cute. She started braiding one section of Katelyn's hair loosely, then browsing the other side and letting them meet in the middle.

We took some pictures, got in our dresses and took more pictures.

Kawaii~Chan had a knee length dress, the skirt part flared out, and her top half had some sequins which suited her. It was a light pink dress, of course.

Katelyn was wearing a baby blue one strapped dress, it went down to her ankles, the skirt part flaring out just a little bit.

I was wearing an indigo dress, it had sleeves which were made of lace, it covered most of my neckline, the rest of the dress had a slight high low cut.

"Mija! Lucinda and Nicole are here!"

We all tread down, getting used to walking in heels.

Lucinda gasps, "You guys all look amazing."

"We could say the same for you," Katelyn smiles sincerely.

"Wait until the guys see us!" Nicole exclaims, laughing.

"Lets take pictures!"

"Yeah, I want to cherish this moment," Kawaii~Chan says, agreeing with me.

We take some selfies, then we hand over the cameras to my mom, slightly tearing up while counting down.

Lucinda was wearing a coral colored dress, it was two pieced with an off the shoulder cut and the skirt flared out a little bit.

Nicole was wearing red, which suited her hair. The dress was really dark red at the top, then faded to a lighter and brighter red at the bottom. It was also strapless.

We posed for pictures, after what seemed like forever, we heard the doorbell ring.

My mom opened the door and we see five boys, dressed up, hair tamed and each of them had a box with a corsage in it.

They rush in the door, Travis goes to Katelyn, Garroth walks over to me, Dante to Nicole, Zane to Kawaii~Chan, and Laurance to Lucinda.

All of the tux's look similar, but all of the ties varied in color. But they matched our dresses. Laurance and Dante had different colored jackets and Dante and Garroth had a slight different styles tux.

Each of them got greeted with a jaw drop and a 'you look beautiful, stunning, amazing, so so hot', and other things.

Garroth had told me that he was surprised that Zane actually had a thing with Kawaii~Chan and is a junior going to senior prom.

"You look gorgeous, love," Garroth whispers into my ear.

"You look as handsome as ever," I reply a blush sweeping across my face.

"And before I forget," I take the blue and white boutineer and pin it to his tux.

He chuckles, pecking my lips and pulling out a purple corsage. "I know it's your favorite color so,"

He puts it on my wrist carefully, smiling at me.

"WE NEED PICTURES, MIJA, C'MON!" Mom shouts, pulling my arm as he follows. We pose to take some pictures with multiple poses, Garroth being as photogenic as ever.

We take everyone else pictures and the limo arrives right on time.

"My Mija is all grown up," Mom lets out a little cry and I quiver my lip out a little bit.

"Mom, don't cry,"

She sniffles, smiling. Then she pushes me out of the door. "BYE APHMAU AND FRIENDS HAVE A GOOD TIME!"

"There's my mom for you guys," I sigh happily, stepping into the limo.

Some music blared through the speakers, as we tried to get some excitement in.

When the limo stops, we step out, feeling like the coolest people ever. At least, that's how I felt. Garroth's hand intertwines with mine.

"I'm not drinking anything from here tonight. Some things might have alcohol and Azura is gonna be here."

"I wouldn't worry too much about Azura. But I appreciate your effort." I reply, smirking.

"What do you have up your sleeve?"

"The girls are gonna keep watch on Azura. Laurance has Gene and Ivan and everything will be kept under control."

"What's your job?" He raises a brow at me.

"To break up any fights that might happen. Or prevent fights from happening."

His eyes widen. "Nobody is fighting tonight. I would just stay away from Azura though."

"I will."

We walk in, and I could tell that this was going to be a memorable night.

A/n: continuation in next chapter. :)

Much love, my loves.

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