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Prom is one week away.

And today, I'm going to ask Aphmau. I mean, that should seem pretty obvious, who else would I be asking?

It's after school and I'm waiting in the hallway that her last class was in. I grip the bouquet of roses a little bit tighter as I saw Laurance rushing her out.

I was holding a box of cupcakes, which each had a letter written out in frosting spelling 'prom' with a question mark.

If there's one thing that Aphmau likes it's food. Everyone likes food. What better way to ask someone with cupcakes?

Laurance stands by the lockers, ready to catch anything that might fall.

"Garroth? What's this?"

"U-Um you k-kinda have to o-open th-the box. It's f-for you," I sputter, managing to get the last word out.

Laurance face palms, giving me a 'really?!' look, considering I practiced what I wanted to say a lot.

Confused, she opened the box and gasped, closing the box and handing to Laurance, wrapping her arms around me and pecking my cheek. I then give her the roses, making her gasp and hug me again.

"I-Is that a y-yes?"

"Yes. It's a yes. Of course I'd go to prom with you, silly," She giggled, tapping her finger on my nose once.

"I'm gl-glad."

She took a picture of the cupcakes, then made Laurance take a picture of us.

"We have other promposals that need to be completed and all of us are required to help. Now, we have to go help Travis next."

Travis had made shirts with letters on them that spelt out 'prom' and Aphmau had to be the question mark.

Dante lead Nicole to the field, he had created a poster with sports puns on them, which I thought was cute.

Laurance made all of us line up, each having two white roses in our hands, giving them to Lucinda as she passed by us, only to see Laurance holding a poster and some pizza.

Long story short, all of the girls said yes and we're happy and relieved because that was a stressful day.

Well, maybe for me. I stutter too much.

And I'm pretty sure during the week the girls all have to get their dresses and I need a tux.

Prom this year, actually didn't really have a specific theme. But I'm pretty sure I'm sticking with blue or purple.

We were all gathered around at my house, considering that it was the biggest, meaning that there'd be more room.

Aphmau, Katelyn, Lucinda, Nicole, Travis, Laurance, Dante, and I were sitting on the floor in the living room.

Aphmau sat in my lap, as I went to peck her cheek lightly, seeing that she was in thought.

"How are we getting there?"

Dante finally spoke up, Nicole was laying down, her head on top his lap.

Katelyn was leaning her head on Travis' shoulder, their hands intertwined and Laurance was laying down, head resting on her lap.

"I think I can get us a limo," Lucinda says, twirling an orange strand of hair between her fingers.

"What do you mean by 'I think'?" Laurance looks down at her quizzically.

"I mean I have cash in the bank. But I mean, how much is a limo there and back? Don't we have to drop everyone off?"

"Yeah, but we also have Kawaii~Chan and Zane to pick up and drop off too." Katelyn adds, sitting up a little bit.

"Girls sleep at my house and boys sleep here," Aphmau states, quite confidently, "It's more convenient and it'll cost less money."

"That might work." Dad should be okay with it, he had gone through his heavy work season already.

"Then are we going to get ready at your guys' houses, too?" Nicole finally chimes in.

"I don't think it matters. You just need to get to my house because if we get a limo, it'll only go to me and Garroth's house. Bring extra clothes, to change and stuff," Aphmau answers, as I started to play with her hair.

"When do we get our tux's?" Travis joins the group conversation, finally paying attention.

"Well, it's Friday today, so let's go tomorrow."





Agreements went around the room and sooner or later everyone had to leave.

Even Aphmau.

I sat on top of my bed, running an anxious hand through my hair.

Because I can't help but wonder,

What will happen after we graduate?

A/n: sorry it's a filler :(( but the next chapter should be more interesting. This book is coming to an end within the next 5-6 chapters :((. BUT IM WORKING ON ANOTHER FANFICTION SO YAY

Much love!

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