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We were almost done picking out dresses and tux's for everyone. Well, at least, Garroth and I were done.

I decided to get one of those dresses, the ones with the pretty sheer sleeves and it was a little fitted and spread out at the bottom.

With little mixes of blue and purple.

"Lucinda, that's looks beautiful, babe. But it's prom, and Ivan is going to be there and if he looks at you in that at all I will fight him so-"

"L-Laurance!" She stammers, heat rising to her cheeks.

We laughed, as I saw Katelyn and Travis finally getting along.

"Nicole, oh my Irene, I've been so blessed. My girlfriend is so hot."

She rolls her eyes playfully, smacking Dante on the shoulder.

I giggle, leaning on Garroth as he adjusted so I'd be more comfortable. We watched everyone talk things out and laugh when a sigh escaped Laurance's lips.

"Lucinda, you look stunning, which sucks because I don't want anyone else seeing how perfect you are."

"Laurance, you flatter me too much," She giggled, kissing his cheek.

"You guys need a room." Travis shakes his head, pinching two fingers in the bridge of his nose.

"Babe, you literally made me go through five dresses."

"Guys are going to stare at you and I don't want any other guy to stare at you." He argues back.

"Both of you need a room." I argue back, causing the both of the couples to be quiet. Garroth chuckled at my remark, supporting my statement.

"Aphmau, nobody asked you." Travis crosses his arms, shooting me a playful glare.

Dante and Nicole just finished, walking over looking at us weirdly.

"Apparently, we missed something."

When everyone checked out, we walked out of the store with big bags. The guys could've rented a tux but I guess they all needed one for some reason.

And we parted, going our separate ways.


Garroth and I were in my room, cuddled up, watching tv. It was a new episode and our eyes were both fixed onto the screen.

I really wanted to bring up the topic of what would happen after we graduate.


"Yes baby?" He paused the show, obviously seeing that what I wanted to say was important.

"W-What's gonna happen after we graduate?"

He sighed, rubbing my back, trying to comfort the thought. "C-Can we talk about it after we graduate? I-I think that would be a better t-time to talk about it."

I gulped nervously, nodding. "Okay."

"If you're worried about it, I really do want to be with you," He reassured, kissing my temple.

"I do too. I love you."

"I love you, too."

I sighed in relief, reassurance was something I wanted to hear. I don't want to lose Garroth, but I don't want to make him unhappy.

And I guess I feel a little stuck knowing how selfish I could get when it comes to him.

But if I really love him, I'll do what I can to keep him happy. And if I'm not in the picture, then I'll accept to be okay with that.

It slowly became night, Garroth stayed for dinner, and my mom welcomed him to stay for the night.

And he agreed. Which is something I'm actually happy about.

My AC was turned on, which made my room cold and I curled up in a ball miserable and cold. I could always turn the AC off, but I'd rather freeze to death then feel hot from the humid weather.

I hear my bathroom door open, heat rising up to my cheeks when I see a shirtless Garroth, drying his hair with a towel.

He looked at me and flashed a smile, which made my heart melt.

"Do you like what you see?"

I swirled under the covers, covering my eyes slightly, "Oh my Irene, babe, put a shirt on. Aren't you cold?!"

"No. But do I have to put a shirt on? It's not like you've never seen me shirtless before," He smirked at the last part.

"U-Uh I d-don't know h-how to answer that!"

He chuckles, throwing on a shirt while I sit cris crossed on my bed, patting the spot next to me, inviting him to sit by me.

He lies down, "Are you cold?"


"Then come here, love."

Oh my Irene. I'm going to die. Garroth Ro'meave is going to be the death of me.

He laughs again, while pulling me in close. I bury my head in his chest, already starting to feel warmer.

"You know, we could just turn off the AC-"

"No," I say, my voice half muffled.

"You're so cute, Aphmau."

"You're more cute," I say, in attempt of arguing back.

"I'm not cute, you are."

I look up, pulling away for a little bit. "You're a dork."

"I'm your dork, cutie." He said, smiling.

I giggle, my cheeks burning a light pink, while I bury my head in his chest again, in embarrassment. I adjust myself a little bit, still cuddling with him.

He ran a hand through my hair, shivers going down my spine.

Eventually, the AC turned off automatically and we ended up falling asleep.

Garroth Ro'meave,

Will I ever be able to let you go?

A/n: Here's a lil fluff for you. Tehe.

Much love. :)

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