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Three months later,


It's that season again. And you think it's so far away until it smacks you in the face.


And it's pretty stressful for me considering that the guys (usually) ask the girls. And now days, everybody is being really extra when doing it.

I thought posters were enough until guys started buying their girlfriends puppies and kittens.

Oh my Irene, I needed ideas.

I planned on originally getting a poster, with a bouquet of roses and a super terrible prom pun. I'm pretty sure that would make Aphmau happy. I mean, I don't know.

"Garroth! You got a letter from the University of O'Khasis!" My mom shouted.

I shake my head distracted from my thoughts, racing down the stairs and swiftly picking up the letter from the counter, my mom smiling proudly, looking at me, as if she wanted me to open it now.

I sloppily open the letter. I applied to a couple of colleges, but getting into university of O'Khasis was a big deal for me.

Mr. Ro'meave,

We are happy to announce that you have been accepted into the University of O'Khasis! If you have any further questions, please call the number below,

The Dean

"Mom, I got in!" I shout.

She squealed, running over to me and engulfing me into a big hug. "I'm so proud GarGar!"

I sigh in relief before more thoughts and concerns flooded my mind, starting to over think everything.

What about Aphmau?

I ran back upstairs, placing the letter on my desk, resting my chin on my palm and thinking more.



I turn around, seeing an excited Aphmau running in my direction.

She stops in front of me as I shut my locker, waving a paper in my face and trying to catch her breath at the same time.


"Catch your breath first, Aph."

She caught her breath, smiling brightly.

"I got into Phoenix Drop Medical College!"

I smile, wrapping my arms around her, "That's so amazing Aph! I'm so proud of you!"

Oh no.

We're going to have that talk. The one where we either break up or try to go for long distance. I don't like how we're going to have to split up.

Just live today, worry about tomorrow when it comes. My first goal.

Asking Aphmau to prom.

She squeals, showing that she's really excited. "What schools did you get into?"

"University of O'Khasis," I nonchalantly said, leaning against the lockers.

"Wow! Isn't that your dream school?"l

I scratch the back of my head, nervous and hoping she won't fall into the realization just yet. "Yeah."

The day goes by, as we both spend more time with our friends. Dante, Laurance, and Travis were planning on how to ask all of Aphmau's friends to prom.

"Travis, are you and Katelyn even going out?"

"Yeah. It's a little complicated right now. But yes, we are."

"Guys, how do you ask a witch to prom?" Laurance scratches his head, laying back on the couch.

"I'm pretty sure it's rude to identify her as that. I'm pretty sure she'll liked to get asked by any other guy."

Laurnace shrugged. "I think I'm going to make her a poster."

"Dude, everyone is doing posters," Travis groans.

"He's right. But are there any other ideas?" Dante follows, his arms crossed as we tried to figure out a plan.

With a little bit of bickering and humor, we figured out what we were going to do.

We just needed to do it.



"They're going to all ask us during the same week, don't stress about it, Aph," Lucinda reassured, smiling.

"I agree with Lucinda. They're boys and they're all friends. They're all going to help each other out."

"Kawaii~Chan is going with Zane," She said quietly, blushing at that.

"WHAT?!" All three of us yell, shocked and excited at the same time.

"Since when were you two a thing?!" Katelyn asks, amazed and slightly grossed out, due to not liking Zane that much.

"I don't know, a while now. But he already asked me."

I laughed, "That's cute. But wait until the guys hear that Zane beat them to asking."

We all laughed, having a good time.

"Are any of you going to the same college as your boyfriends?" Lucinda brought up the topic, playing with the bracelets on her wrists, "I'm going to Pikaro University and Laurnace is going to Meteli Medical."

"Travis is going to study abroad for six months, hence why things have been complicated. I'm going to University of O'Khasis."

"Garroth is going there too. I got into Phoenix Drop Medical so,"

Realization soon hit me.

I'm going to be away from Garroth for almost four years. Over four years in fact. I sighed, sadness building up inside because I know there's nothing I can do about it.

"I'm going to a culinary school in Nahakra, by O'Khasis. Zane is going to stay here and go to a community college."

"Everyone is splitting up..," Katelyn trailed off.

Lucinda shook her head and smiled. "I'm sorry for bringing up a sucky topic. Lets just talk about something else."


What was going to happen after we graduate and go to College?

And I couldn't do anything but let the thought boggle me for a while.

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