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Late Saturday afternoon.

"The police said that, 'it's regular for teenagers to run away' and that we can't file a missing person report unless they have been gone for over three days."

Katelyn stared blankly at me. "That's bullsh-"

"I know. Phoenix Drop's rules are so stupid sometimes, I swear." I plop onto her chair, sighing.

"Where could she have gone?"

I shrugged. "She always told me all these places that she would want to go to in the future, but she hasn't mentioned anything close to here."

A thick layer of silence came between us. Laurance and Travis were suppose to come over, too, but they weren't here yet.

"Do you think we should go find her?"

Before Katelyn could answer the two others walked in, gloomy auras filling the room.

"Are we going to find her or what?" Travis asks.

"I don't think we should," Laurance looks up, crossing his arms.

"What do you mean, no?!" Katelyn exclaims, already mad and frustrated as it is. One of her best friends just went missing. I'd probably be going crazy too.

"Look, Aphmau is too strong and independent to go and get herself into something she can't handle. And I say, if she doesn't come back before Monday morning, then we see what we can do."

"That's crazy-"

"What's crazy is how easily we just her slip away. Look, I'm not blaming it on anyone, but all I'm saying is that we should have known something."

Katelyn looks up, her eyes glossy and teary. We never see her like this so it's pretty weird in a way. Laurance shifts against the wall and Travis walks over to her carefully.

"I'm so w-worried about her, it scares me. N-None of us would be able to h-handle ourselves like that i-in the real world," Her voice cracks, causing her to cry more, which leads to Travis immediately comforting her.

"I'm sure she'll turn up, sooner or later. And if not within this time, we'll go looking for her ourselves," Travis spits out while rubbing Katelyn's back gently, letting her sob into his shirt.

"So we hang low for now. If she doesn't come back before Monday, we're going to look for her ourselves."


Saturday, O'Khasis

I had to be back before Monday. So Aaron decided to take me out on a ride to really see the city.

He had Leona watch Jacob for the day, while we were stopped at a gas station for snacks and well, gas.

He let himself in the car, starting it again and throwing a plastic bag to me.

"Chips, candy, water, juice. I didn't know what you liked."

"Thanks." I smile while watching him get back o to the road with ease. The city of O'Khasis was so beautiful, so lively.

The windows were rolled down so I could feel the wind mess up and flow through my hair. Aaron looked at me and chuckled, shaking his head.


"You remind me of a dog," He laughed, gluing his eyes back onto the road.

The Heartbreaker And The Heartless ⏤ GARMAUWhere stories live. Discover now