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Day One:

I have to distance myself from her.

It's too risky.

Liking her is just going to get me hurt again.

Never again.

I'm not that stupid anymore.

I've learned from my mistakes.

Text message:

Aphmau: hey Garroth, I've noticed that you didn't really talk to me today. Is everything okay?

Aphmau: you know I'm always here if you need.

Day Two:

Staying away is harder than I thought.

I feel lost without her.

I feel like I need her in my life.

This is so stupid.

It shouldn't be this hard to ignore a girl that I still barely know.

What's so different about her?

I shook my head and felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

Aphmau: Garroth, did I do something? We missed our tutoring session.

Aphmau: I don't want to bother you. If you wanna talk, I'm here.

Day Three:

The temptation to text her, to talk to her, is really getting to me.

It's starting to hurt.

Avoiding her hurts.

She's noticing that I'm not talking to her.

Girls notice everything.

I walked through the halls, keeping my head low. My thoughts were crazed.

"Garroth, are you okay?" Laurance asked.

"Yeah. I'm good," I lie.

"Ignoring her isn't healthy," He said as he walked away.

I sighed.

Text message:

Aphmau: I'm starting to get worried about you. Are you okay?

Aphmau: can you just please say something?

Aphmau: look, I'm sorry. Just please say if I did something wrong.

Day Four:

"Garroth, can you please just stop being afraid." Laurance said.

"I'm not afraid-"

"You're afraid of emotional pain, Garroth. You need to give things a chance." Dante added.

I sighed. "I know. I know okay?"

"You're always going to get hurt somehow, you-"

The Heartbreaker And The Heartless ⏤ GARMAUWhere stories live. Discover now