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Aphmau ate more fries as we were driving off on the road.

"Where are we going now?"

"I honestly don't know. Where do you want to go?" I asked.

"I think we should head towards home. It's starting to snow and it's a little dangerous to be driving out on the road."


"Tonight was really fun though. Maybe we can run around the neighborhood."

"Actually, I know a twenty four hour skating rink."

"A twenty four hour skating rink?"

"Yeah. We could actually walk there. It's more in town though. If you want to go-"

"Let's do it."

We parked on the curb by my house. We closed the door, starting to walk to the rink.


We entered the rink, and it was dark. There were lights everywhere and it looked really fun.



"I don't know how to skate."

"I know you don't. That's why I'm here to teach you."

I helped her tighten her skates after I did mine and I took her on the ice.

"Garroth, this is scary, how do you even do this?"

"Just push off, left, right." I said, skating backwards and holding her hands so that I can guide her.

She stumbled a bit before she started to take a little risks.

"Okay. I have one piece of advice for you."

She looked up at me. "Uh huh."

"Don't lean back. You'll fall."

Aphmau nodded before I let her go. She didn't really know anything about skating, so I put her on hockey skates instead of figure.

She was pushing it correctly, but she was going kind of slow.

"You're doing it!" I shout as she comes closer to me. She gets close and tries to grab my hands, but she almost falls.

"Oh my Ire-"

I caught her just in time. "You think I'm going to let you fall?"

Aphmau giggled before she stood up correctly. "Th-thanks."

I nodded, giving her an encouraging push. She started to skate, she was still a little wobbly and unsteady.

She stayed close to the wall and I watched her. And she was doing exactly what I had told her.

Left, right, left, right.

After a couple times around the rink, she had gotten less unsteady and started to skate more freely.

"I'm doing it!" She shouts in victory.

I breathed out a laugh. "You've been doing it for a while, Aph."

She skated as I followed her, making sure that she didn't fall.

She almost did a couple times, which had me worried, but she fought herself and we just laughed.

"It doesn't seem so hard anymore."

"You've been skating for over half an hour. That's pretty fast to learn how to hockey skate."

"It's pretty fun. We should do this again."

I nodded, turning around starting to skate backwards. "I'll teach you how to skate backwards."



"Garroth!" Aphmau shouted as I caught her again.

I've been catching her falls for the past twenty minutes. I didn't realize how much she fell trying to skate backwards.

"Maybe I'll teach you more later," I pant.

Aphmau laughed and nodded. "Agreed. It's already three thirty. We should get going."

I nodded skating off the the rink. We untied our skates and went back into our regular shoes. We started to walk back home.

"That was a pretty fun adventure."

Tell her.

Do it.

This is a perfect time.

"Yeah. It was."

She smiled, walking alongside me. I decided that I was going to wait until we got outside her house to tell her.

We kept walking as we talking about random things and I was trying to keep my nervousness down.

We finally got there and Aphmau paused.


Her eyes landed on me. "Yeah?"

"Aphmau, I-I love y-you," I finally sputtered out.

She looked like she had a loss of words. So I spoke again. "My Irene, Aphmau. I'm so in love with you, it's not even funny. You just became my everything and I. Love. You. And, you don't have to say it back if you don't want to or if you're not ready to. And you're just so amazing and smart and so, so beautiful and-"

I was interrupted by her lips on mine. I kissed back as we moved in sync. We parted and she smiled, her eyes glossy.

"I love you too, Garroth. I love you so much."

A smile tugged my lips and she took my hand. "Let's get inside. It's freezing out here."

So we did. Aphmau and I crept inside the house and we didn't get caught luckily. She changed into her sleeping clothes and I did the same, but in the bathroom.

"Babe, I'm tired....," Aphmau said, cuddling up to me.

"Then sleep."

"Tonight was fun..."

"It was," I sighed happily.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

She started to doze off into her slumber as my eyelids also started to get droopy.

I looked down at my sleeping angel. Smiling.

"How did I get so lucky?"

A/n: I honestly thought this chapter was super cute but I cringe cause I feel like it's not realistic lol.

I hope you enjoyed and I wish you all the best this holiday season.

Love you all!


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