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Since its December, Aphmau and her mom invited me to find a Christmas tree with them.

I didn't mind, since my family had gotten theirs a couple days before. It was expected to snow soon and Aphmau is excited.
(It doesn't snow where I live so idk where in December it snows)

But it has gotten really cold. Aphmau was holding my hand while we walked into a department store.

We went straight to the back, where they were staring to sell the trees.

We had studied for mid finals earlier today. Tomorrow is our last day and Aphmau is feeling good about it.

She didn't have a lot or teach me, since art doesn't really have a final for us to do. Just a project.

I followed Aphmau and Sylvana around as the guy unwrapped Christmas trees showing them to her.

Aphmau was very picky when it came to doing these types of things.

Every time we would move on to another tree, she would pull my hand. She was in front and I was in back.

I grabbed my phone and took a picture. We stopped moving and smiled.

So posting this.

I slid my phone back into my pocket. They were looking at another tree.

"Garroth, what do you think about this one?" Aphmau asked.

I looked at Sylvana and she just shrugged. I knew I was the tie breaker.

The tree was nice and green. It looked strong. It wasn't too tall wasn't too short. There weren't any bald spots.

"I think it's perfect."

Aphmau giggled. "Great. We'll take this."

Sylvana took out her wallet and before I could do anything, she motioned me away.

"You're Zianna's son, alright," She laughed.

I smiled, grabbing Aphmau's hand again as we walked.


"Garroth, can you help me grab that box please?" Aphmau asked.

She was trying to get it. But she was too short.

Even on the step stool.

I chucked, grabbing the box for her and setting it down.

"Thank Garr-" She was cut off by a short shriek.

I held my arms out as soon as I felt a weight in them. I saw her, fear with a mix of relief in her eyes.

Her face turned red. "T-Thanks Garr-"

I cut her off again, pressing my lips onto hers. She melted into it. We parted and I set her down.

"Thank you," She finally said, looking down.

I nodded. "No problem."

She opened the box, revealing a mess of Christmas decorations. She wrapped the lights around the tree first. Which she didn't have trouble doing.

Then she plugged the lights in and it was already starting to look festive.

Then she took a really wide gold ribbon and did the same thing she did with the lights.

She passed me and her mom white glittery snowflakes. Sylvana hung a couple and said that we should to the rest.

I nodded, placing the snowflakes on random parts of the tree, trying to spread them out evenly.

Then she took out different colored ornaments. Most of them were silver and gold. Some of them were red and green.

She smiled at me while she started decorating the bottom half and I did the top half.

When we were done, we grabbed the star and Aphmau wanted me to put it up but I wanted her to do it.

I just raised her up to the tree so she could do it.

"Garroth! You can put me down now, you know!" Aphmau giggled. I was carrying her bridal style.

"Do you not trust me to hold you?"

"N-No! It's not like that at all! I'm just saying like I can walk-"

"Babe, I was joking." I smile pecking her lips lightly, setting her down.


We started to play Christmas music and Aphmau put on the festive socks I had got for her.

She slid on the floor, pretending to play the guitar.

I had my own pair of socks on, but they weren't as nice as hers.

"Garroth, oh my Irene, I'm going to crash!" She shouts before sliding and crashing into me.

"Aph!" I say, chuckling, barely holding onto her.

I turned her around and she looked me in the eyes. "I guess I fell for you."

I facepalmed as she wiggles her eyebrows up and down, which causes her to laugh uncontrollably.

"It was cute to see you try."

"I'm always cute."

"Your ego is starting to become taller than you." I say.

She playfully glares at me before we both break out into another laughter.

This is perfect.

Tell her you love her.

Not yet. It's too early. The mood is too light.

I don't care.

"Hey Aph?"



"DINNER IS READY!" Sylvana yelled.

I sighed, a little bit of relief rushing through me. Was it too early to tell her I love her?

We both walked over, grabbing a plate as we had a nice dinner.

And I was fighting my mind the entire time. In an endless dilemma of what to do.

Should I do it?

A/n: Hi guysy! I don't feel like this chapter was as good or had as much fluff but it's okay! I know that that wasn't exactly a chapter bomb but,

I have nothing.

Hope you enjoyed!


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