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"Dj look behind!" Aliza said nodding behind Veronica. Veronica gave her a puzzled look and then turned her face to see what she was trying to show her. She saw three boys walking, coming in their direction. Nina also looked behind along with Veronica.

"Who are they?" Veronica asked, now facing Aliza.

"They are his friends. They were with him the day you caught him." Aliza replied and took another sip of her drink. Veronica turned again and looked at the three boys.

"Oh!" Veronica said.

"I wish you could go and ask them about him but I know you never will." Nina said looking at those boys who were now walking past them.

"What made you say that?" Veronica raised an eyebrow.

"You're nervous. You are scared actually and that's why you won't." Nina shrugged while Aliza was looking back and forth between Veronica and Nina.

"Scared and nervous? Of them?" Veronica laughed sarcastically.

"Not of them. Of him." Nina said. Veronica looked at her for a second and then said, "What if I go and ask them about him?" She challenged. Aliza's mouth parted in shock and Nina kept looking at Veronica with amusement.

"I....will-" Nina said and then stopped for a moment to think. "I would tell Alexender that I like him." Nina grinned. Veronica and Aliza looked at each other and then at Nina with shock written all over their faces.

"Woah that's big one!" Aliza commented and Nina shrugged.

"Deal?" Veronica held her hand out at Nina and smiled challengingly.

"Deal!" Nina said and Aliza clapped. "Do it Veronica, not for yourself but for her. I want to see her telling Alexender!" Aliza cheered. Veronica nodded and stood up.

"Be right back!" Veronica smirked and started walking towards the boys who were sitting by the bar on the beach.

Her heart was beating faster and louder. She was good at hiding her feelings and that's why her friends didn't get how nervous she actually was. Nina was right. But she has do it. Like Aliza said, not to satisfy her ego but to help her friend, help her tell him the person she liked for months.

Those were sitting on the wooden stools by the bar with their backs facing her. She took a deep breath and tapped on one's shoulder. He turned and looked at Veronica in confusion. He had piercing blue eyes and light brown hair sticking on his forehead because of being wet. He was attractive.

"Yes?" He said in a beautiful, calm voice.

"What is the name of your friend?" She asked coming straight to the point and wanting this meeting to be over soon.

"My friend? Which one?" He asked, amused by her.

"The idiot curly one. What is his name?" She spat but he was still had a little glint of smile in his eyes. But the glint of smile soon turned into an angry expression. 'The idiot who captured my mind.' She wanted to say.

"Did you just call him idiot?" He asked, the other twi boys were now also focused on her but she didn't look anywhere except the boy she was talking to.

"Yeah idiot! What is his name?" She asked getting annoyed by each passing minute. She just wanted to run away from them.

"He is not-" he was cut off by another voice.

"What's the matter Louis?" Someone spoke behind her in a raspy and raw voice that made chills run down her spine. The boy which she thinks is Louis smirked at her and then looked over her shoulder.

"Mate this girl says you're an-" Louis started.

"No, no I didn't say anything!" She claimed not turning around, not looking at the person who had such a raspy voice. She wanted to but her feet were glued.

"She was asking for your-" Louis begin and walked around her standing by his friend. She cut him off again.

"No. I-" she finally turned and her breath caught in her throat when she saw the same boy, in a white tank top, denim shorts and rayben sunglasses. He was breathtakingly beautiful. He had several tattoos covering his biceps and two swallows peeked through his tank top.

"She said you are an idot and she was asking your name." Louis said and smirked at Veronica. She just wanted run away but she couldn't. She was too caught up in him.

"Yes I said that. And what is your name Mister?" She said gaining a bit confidence, crossing her arms on her chest. Louis's amused expression vanished. The boy kept looking at her.

"Sty-" Louis was cut off yet again by her.

"I am talking to him so you keep quiet." She shot Louis an angry look and looked back the boy in sunglasses.

"Styles. Harry Styles." The boy replied sternly making her swoon at his voice. Harry name really suited him.

"Bond. James Bond." Veronica said in manly voice and laughed afterwards. "Idiots!" She said under her breath and walked past Louis, rolling her eyes. But little did she know that he can listen her from miles away...

On her way back she could only listen and think about the voice saying,

Styles, Harry Styles.


New one! Hope you guys are liking this! And those pictures of Harry 😍 Isn't he just the most beautiful?

All the love as always. :) x

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