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He could hear the squealing, the yelling from the living room. He was watching television. He had turned the volume up to avoid the squeals but in vain. His head was spinning, as if it would burst.

At last he huffed and threw the television remote on the sofa. He stood up, stomping towards the room, from where the yelling came. He slammed the door open only to see Veronica and Bella, jumping on the bed. Both of them stopped in between their fun and they both stared at Harry who was glaring at them like he would kill them.

"Uncle Hawwy!!" Bella squealed once again much to his annoyance. He loved her, he loved her with every bone in his body but right now the headache and flu was driving him crazy. And all he wanted was peace.

Bella waited for him to come and hug her as she held her little arms out for him. While Veronica just smiled sheepishly. Harry smiled weakly at Bella and walked towards her, who was standing on the bed with a big smile on her face.

"Yes princess." Harry cooed, his voice little more deeper and raspier than usual. His voice would never fail to make her swoon. Her most favourite voice in the world was of his Dad and then Ed Sheeran but now Harry was on the top. Harry snaked his arms around her little frame and hugged her.

"We're having so much fun!" Bella exclaimed. Veronica hopped off the bed and stood beside Harry, seeing the adorable niece and Uncle.

"Mhm angel." Harry hummed. She noticed the tiredness in his voice, in his actions. He's so full of energy with Bella but today she felt him a little down.

"Are you okay Uncle Hawwy?" Bella pulled away and studied his face. His eyes were teary and nose was red. And his voice was also different.

"Yes angel, I'm fine." He smiled tiredly. Bella just stared at him for few seconds then stretched his cheeks.

"Smile!" She said. He smiled a little. Veronica just wanted to take a picture of this moment. It was such a cute moment for her to witness. The way Bella felt that he is Not feeling okay and the way she tried to lighten him up. Veronica quickly grabbed her Polaroid camera.

"Big. With dimpuz." (With dimples.) She smiled wide while stretching his cheeks. When he did smile, Veronica took the picture. Bella then kissed both of his dimples and in return he did the same. Bella was giggling and Veronica placed the picture on the bedside table for it to dry.

"You have fun but don't make noise, alright?" Harry said to Bella. She nodded and Harry kissed her forehead before turning to leave.

"I'll be back!" Veronica whispered to Bella, to which she nodded once again and Veronica ran towards the door.

Harry was walking towards his room and she silently followed her.

"You know, I know you're following me so no need to act." Harry had said. She stopped in her tracks for a second but then followed him anyway.

"Are you okay?" She asked when he opened the door of his room and she was right behind him.

"I'm fine." He rasped.

"No, you are not." She pushed, entering his room and closing the door behind her.

"And what makes you say that?" He walked towards his walk-in closet.

"Your voice. Your eyes are teary and your nose is red and you seem off." She told.

"I'm fine." He repeated, grabbing a tank top from his closet.

"I know-" She grabbed his wrist and she stopped speaking when his burning hot skin made contact with her's. "You are burning Harry." She stood in front of him with a worried expression.

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