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She entered her house with a wide smile on her face. She walked through the hallway, humming to herself.

She looked down to see Simba with his paws in the air as he waited for her to pick him up. And she did. "Hello baby, how are you?" She tickles him under the chin and he yawns at the relaxing gesture.

"Baby you know how happy I am today? Too much. I'm on cloud nine and I can't keep my feet on the ground." She twirls in happiness, hugging Simba.

"Would you like to tell me the reason, Veronica Johns?"  A voice interrupted her. She looked at her mother, standing with her arms on her waist.

She placed Simba down on the floor in a hurry and rushed towards her mother, enveloping her in a tight hug. "Mum mum mum mum!!" She kept cheering.

"Calm down and don't make noise, your Dad is sleeping." Her mother shushed her causing her to stop and smioe apologetically.

"I should also get-" She tried to run away but her mother grabbed her arm turning her back around.

"Oh no you shouldn't. We have things to talk about." She pulled her in the living room. Simba ran, following them.

"So... the reason?" They both sat down and her mother asked.

"It's um..."

"Oh my God! I know what it is!" Her mother shook her arm. "I know the blush. It's a boy! Is it Harry?" She asked in all curiosity.

"Um..." She blushed, playing with her fingers in her lap.

"I knew it! How? Did you tell you love him? Did he admit his feelings? What did-" She bombarded her with questions.

"Mum, mum! Slow down!" She laughed.

"What? Tell me!" Her mother frowned. You would think that her mother was a doctor and after having a long tiring and exhausting day she would want nothing else than a good eight hours sleep. But no, her mother wanted to spend time with her daughter. She missed her all these days. She couldn't bear to see her so empty and broken. She could do anything for her happiness.

"I admitted. He seemed quite happy about it but one thing is constantly ticking in my mind. He never told me he loves me. Mum, I don't know what should I guess from his behaviour." She looks down at her lap, sadly. The doubt still in her mind.

"If he came back and still cares for you then he does love you. Veronica, all the boys are not the same. From what I've heard from you, he isn't the cute type of boyfriend. He wouldn't bring you flowers or chat with you everyday or take you to romantic dates. He's kind of reserved and quiet person. He would not tell you how he feels, he would show you by his gestures. That's how some men are. They don't want people to know what they hide in their heart. And mostly those people who have seen a lot in their life. A lot of problems. Their experiences with life make them like this. They like to keep things to themselves and I think that's the matter with Harry. He loves you but he isn't ready to admit it to you." Her mother assures her. She smiles at how supportive and caring her mother is.

"Thanks Mum. It always feels so good to talk to you." She hugged her mother, resting her chin on her shoulder.

"Anytime honey." She caressed her back. "By the way I need to see this Harry. You are in love with him and I don't even know he is." Her mother pulled her away, her hands on her shoulders.

"Uh-you know him actually." She muttered. Her mother's eyebrows knit in confusion.

"Really? How?"

"Um.. you'll know when you'll meet him."

"Oookayy..." Her mother dragged the word in a sad tone, making her chuckle. "Invite him to dinner someday?"

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