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She was in the middle of the room, almost bent. Her hands were tied with heavy metal chains from which her blood oozed out and her face was also covered in blood.

"Harry!" She had screamed. He stirred.

"Help me please!" Her screeching voice met his ears. She screamed and screamed.

He bolted up, heart beating out of his chest, sweat covering his forehead.

"Ahh!! Please no!!!" He heard again. He closed his eyes, massaging his temples to push away those sounds but they never stopped instead they got frequent. And then it hit him. He threw the covers off of him and rushed downstairs. The voice got more and more clear as he ran, telling that he was close.

He knew she was in trouble and he could do anything to save her. Anything. A lot of dangerous thoughts wandered in his mind and he tried his best to push them away.

He stopped in front of a small, worn out and almost destroyed house. It looked like it was burnt. But the screams and yelling had stopped. His eyes went wide in shock and he pounced towards the door. He could smell the fire, it's smoke. He noticed smoke coming from a room. He ran towards it and with one push he opened the door.

The view in front of him almost made him numb. It was like someone took his soul out of his body. In the center she was, just like he had seen in his nightmare. There was fire around it. The fire was only in this room and it told him that the house didn't look like how it was because of this fire. It was already burnt.

He rushed towards her life less body through the fire. He couldn't think of anything for a moment when he saw her face and her wrists which were completely covered in blood.

When his mind woke up, he quickly opened the chains around her wrists and made her hands free from their grasp.

"Veronica!" He took her life less body in his arms and slapped her face lightly to wake her up but she didn't move. He panicked but he knew it won't get him anywhere. So he held her in his stromg arms and came out of the house in a flash. He sat down on his knees with Veronica still in his arms.

"Veronica wake up! Please wake up!" He shook her but she didn't open her eyes. She didn't open her eyes for her first and last love. She didn't open her eyes for the man whom she wanted to belong. She didn't listen him like always...

Harry felt like his heart would sink if she didn't open her eyes in few more seconds. He would not be able to bear it. He knew he would not.

"Look who's here!" Someone said behind him. He turned his head to see Zayn standing there, with hate and anger written on his face.

"Leave before I do something I don't want to." Harry gritted, the veins on his temples and neck popping. He didn't lose hope on a waking her up.

"Oh yeah? Let's get this over with Styles." Zayn said in a challenging tone.

"If something happened to her, I would not hesitate to kill you." Despite how angry and worried he was, his voice didn't get louder.

"Oh come on! You still waiting for her to wake up? Face the reality Styles, she is dead." And just as those words left his mouth, Harry stood up and plunged towards him.

"I won't leave you today! I would kill you!!" He repeatedly punched Zayn's face.

"But I have...done what-I....wanted to..... you have-lost her!" Zayn chuckled and spoke between his whimpers as Harry punched him.

"No! You took my family away from me! You killed them and now I won't let you take her away from me!!" With that he became a lion. Zayn did too. They both fighted, jumping on each other. Harry tried not to do something like that but he had had enough. He could not let Zayn win.

Zayn threw him away and he fell on the ground in a distance. Harry's eyes were burning with the fire of anger, with fire of revenge. And then he pounced at Zayn which snapped Zayn's neck and he fell on the ground.

He killed Zayn.

When he was sure that Zayn was dead, he returned to Veronica, picked her up. "I won't let you go. You can't go. You have to wake up, not for yourself but for me. Please!" He kissed the top of her head and pushed her silky brown hair away which were stuck on her forehead because of the blood.


Someone was shaking her. She could feel it. She could feel the pain in her head, the pain in her legs, the pain in her arms and the pain in her heart. She blinked but didn't open her eyes. She couldn't.

"She's waking up!" A girl's voice met her ears. She tried to open her eyes but they didn't. She felt someone holding her hand and touching her forehead.

"You are fine. You can open your eyes." The girl said again running her fingers softly through her hair.

And she finally opened her eyes. It took her sometime to clear her blurred vision and when it became clear, she saw a girl hovering over her. She had hazel coloured eyes and her chocolate brown hair were tied in a ponytail. Veronica, not knowing who she was, tried to back away.

"It's alright. I won't harm you."

Every bone in her body was aching. She felt it when she tried to move away from that unknown girl. She heard someone entering the room, as the door made a creaking noise.

"She's up!" The girl probably informed the person who had entered the room.

"Really?" A man's voice said. Shivers crawl up and down her body. Zayn's face flashed im front of her eyes, his devilish smirk. He was walking towards her.

"No!! Please don't kill me!" She yelled, her voice hoarse and trembling.

"Veronica, it's okay. I'm Louis." She was constantly waving her hands in the air. Louis grabbed her wrists and made her stop. She stopped yelling after hearing his voice. And sure enough it was Louis.

"Calm down. You are safe. You are safe." He assured, sitting down next to her on a stool. "How are you feeling?" He touched her forehead with the back of his hand.

"My whole body hurts." She said. "But where am I? And who was that girl?"

"Relax. You are in hospital and she is my girlfriend." Louis smiled to cheer her up. "By the way, Happy second birthday."


"You are given a new life. When....uh-I found you, you were almost dead. And soon you'll be fine." He squeezed her hand he was holding.

And something clicked in her mind. Someone more like.

"Y-you saved me?"

"Well...yeah, I did. I'm the hero." He joked nervously. He could see Veronica getting to something and he knew what would she say next.

"Where's Harry?" And he was right. "He saved me, right?" She asked without waiting for his answer.

"Veronica he-"

"Leave me alone Louis, please."


"Please..." She pleaded. He nodded his head and stood up to leave.

She was thinking about him. Unintentionally.


Hi! Yeah!!! Veronica is alive!! Like it?? Please please comment. It really encourages me to write.


All the love as always. :) x


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