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What was I thinking? I had decided that I will not get close to anyone unless I love him, then why I was ready to do it? Why I wanted to do it and why it hurt when he stepped back?

Those were the thoughts that kept her mind occupied all night. She didn't understand, all the feelings she got when he touched her or when he stepped back.

Another revelation didn't let her sleep. And that was her nightmares, the nightmares she had, when she hadn't met Harry. The nightmares about a lion following her, running after her, chasing her. The nightmares when the lion said her that he wants her blood. This part of the nightmare scared her the most. Why would Harry want her blood? But Louis said Harry would never hurt her, then why those nightmares. They didn't make sense or she she didn't want to understand it.

After the playing with Bella and after the dinner she decided to talk to him. She decided to find some answers although she was scared but yet she was determined to solve the mysteries.

So she walked towards Harry's room. She had never seen his room but it was the second last room in the hallway.

"Calm down, it's alright. Its okay." She convinced herself. A gasp left her mouth at the scene in front of her.

The door of his room was half open, and one could easily see in the room. Harry stood in front of the mirror, his back facing her. He was talking on phone. But none of it surprised her. What surprised her was the mark on his back. There were three scratches on his back, from his right shoulder to the bottom of his spine.

And Harry having a great sense of hearing, heard her gasp and turned to see her mouth parted and eyes wide in shock.

"Harry!" She breathed. Harry ended the call and tried to grab his shirt but before he could she snatched it from his hand.

"Who did that?" She asked, looking in his eyes.

"Just a little fight. It's fine." He huffed, trying to ignore it.

"Just a little fight!" She mocked. "Sit down!" She ordered. How the tables had turned.

"Its-" Harry begun to protest but she being she once again, cut him off like usual.

"Just shut up and sit!" She raised her voice, pushing his shoulders down to make him sit on the bed.

"What did you just say?" He gritted.

"Thought I'd be scared of you?  I'm not, now shut up!" She glared at him. Harry was beyond shocked. He looked at her with slightly wide eyes.

"Life is full of disappointment for some people Mr. Styles." She smirked but it vanishsd soon. Life was a disappointment for her now.

"But why should I listen to you when you never listen to me?" He narrowed his eyes, standing up and towering her.

"Because I'm a woman and you should respect a women." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Yeah and men are dogs, right?" He scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"But this man is a lion." She smirked, biting her lip to control her giggles.

"So...are you okay with the fact that I'm a dog- I mean a Lion." He mistook. His tongue got twisted. Veronica laughed, her eyes squeezing shut.

"Yes. I'm okay with the fact that you are dog!" She erupted in to a fit of giggles. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Now shut up Lioni and tell me where is the first aid box." She was still giggling but she managed to say.

"Lioni? I hate that!" He frowned. He looked like a five year old, complaining about his nickname.

"And I love everything you hate. So Lioni where is it?" She smirked, pushing him down once again. She couldn't help it. She had decided to stay away from him but she couldn't do it.

"It's in the cabinet in the bathroom." He told angrily. She laughed and went to grab the first aid box.

She came back and took out a cotton pad. She applied some disinfectant on the pad. "This will probably hurt." She whispered, standing behind him.

"I'm not a kid Veronica. It's fine." He spoke, bravely. Harry had suffered a lot in his life and now these little scratches were nothing for him. While Veronica rolled her eyes. "Yes Lioni." She giggled and Harry turned his face sideways to glare at her.

"Sorry Lioni." She jutted her bottom lip out, batting her lashes. Harry shook his head, smiling. A smile you do when you are fond of someone. That smile.

"Why life is a disappointment for you Veronica?" He had asked in a low voice, his head hung low.

His question astounded her. For few seconds, she couldn't reply him. She didn't have an answer or maybe she did but she didn't want to admit it, and never in front of him.

"Zayn. He disappointed me. He was my very first date and..." She dabbed the cotton pad on his scar.

It had hurt him but not more than her words.

"But these disappointments teach you a lesson. Your disappointment taught you not to trust anyone too soon." He spoke.

But I have been trusting you since the day you saved me from not falling in the pool.

"It did." She almost whispered to herself.

A few minutes passed in silence. She continued to clean his wound.

"Harry, it was you. I had nightmares about you." She broke the silence. Harry raised his head.

"I saw a lion. He was chasing me. He told me he wants me, he said he needs my blood. Was it you Harry? You need my blood?" She asked innocently. But her heart was beating out of her chest. Harry completely turned to look at her.

"No, it wasn't me. Maybe it was Zayn. I would never hurt you." He looked in her eyes. Her eyes begin to fill with tears. She blinked to push them away.

"Do you promise?" She looked up. He was still shirtless.

"Promise." He had said.

There was a bubble around them. They didn't know anything about the world. All they could see was each other.

"I want some answers."

"Let's go." He said, grabbing his shirt from the bed.

"Where?" She watched him wearing his shirt, his back muscles, flexing.

"I want to show you something." He grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the room.

He was taking her to his favourite place.

Veronica was scared but she trusted him so she let him take her with him.

She would go anywhere with him....


Hey! A quick update! I hope y'all like it.

What do ya think where he will take her? And please tell me about the cover above, if it's good or not.

Thanks again for all the reads, comments and votes! Love ya!💖

All the love as always. :) x


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