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Harry opened the door for her. She stepped in his giant house. It was a beautiful and luxurious house. There was greenry, pool. It was perfect.

Harry took her to the living room and just then a voice interrupted their silence

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Harry took her to the living room and just then a voice interrupted their silence.

"You are late." The girly voice said, angrily. Harry turned to see his princess, his love. A big smile made its way on his lips.

"I'm sorry angel. I had some work to do." He apologised walking towards his princess. While Veronica just stared. Stared at Harry who looked at the girl, who was angry with him. Stared at the little girl with brown curly hair, green eyes. She was hardly five years old.

"You missed our tea. I'm not talking to you." The little girl scrunced her nose, arms crossed over her chest as she glared at Harry in anger.

"Oh what's this? Chocolates. It's alright, I can share these with my new friend." Harry showed the little girl, few chocolates. The girl looked at the chocolates and then at Veronica. She glared at her and ran towards Harry.

"She can take all the chocolates but I will not share you with her." The little girl hugged Harry's leg with almost tears in her eyes. And in that moment Veronica forgot everything and she smiled looking at them.

Harry chuckled and picked the little girl up in his arms. "I'm yours princess." He planted a kiss on the little girl's cheek and she giggled.

She thought why Harry never smiles with her, like this.

The girl stared at Veronica and spoke, "Uncle Harry, isn't she-" Harry cut her off.

"Veronica this is Bella, my niece and princess this is Veronica, my friend." Harry smiled at Bella and looked at Veronica who stepped forward and pinched Bella's cheek.

"Hello." Veronica smiled. She still wasn't feeling fine but seeing Harry with his niece, made her happy for a moment.

"Hello." The girl shook Veronica's hand which she had held out for her. Bella smiled shyly and looked at Harry.

"Why aren't you sleeping princess?" Harry looked at Bella. "I always need a cheek Uncle Hawwy!" Bella yawned and Harry chuckled, nudging his nose with her's. Veronica furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. A cheek? What was a cheek? She couldn't understand.

"Let me show my friend her room and then we'll sleep, yeah?" Harry planted her on the floor and looked at Veronica. Harry lead them to a room which was Veronica's room. The walls of the big room were painted white, with a queen size bed. In that room was an amazing view from the window. It was slide door. The room was dimly lit and that's why she didn't see it properly.

 The room was dimly lit and that's why she didn't see it properly

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"I hope it's comfortable for you." Harry spoke, looking around and then at her. She nodded. She still could not find the words to say to him. It was like she lost her voice. And with that, Harry left her alone in the giant, lonely and dark room.

Harry closed the door of Bella's room and walked her towards the bed. "She is sharing our house, it means I have to share you with her." Bella pouted, lying on her bed which had princess' bed covers on.

"Yes you have to, a little bit." Harry laid down next to her and kissed her niece's forehead. Bella propped on her elbow and took Harry's face in her hands. "Harry Styles, Bella Styles loves you." She spoke and then kissed both of his cheeks. It was her way of saying goodnight. "Goodnight princess." He turned the lamp off and Bella started playing with his cheek.

It was her habit, before sleeping she plays with Harry's cheek. First it used to be Gemma, she used to play with her cheek but now Harry was everything for her. It was weird, very weird but that's how it was.


Two days passed like this, Veronica trapped in her room.  She didn't took a step out. She was not ready to face Harry. She was still not ready to believe that Harry was a lion and she was living in a lion's house. Harry's housekeeper, Maura, knocked her door a lot of times to call her for dinner or lunch but every time Veronica refused to eat. Maura would leave her with some snacks, in case she would like to eat but she didn't.

As for Harry, he was avoiding her, avoiding her questions. He knew it will come someday but he was running from it for as long as he could. It seemed to him that Veronica also didn't want to talk about it because she never met him after that day. He wanted to see, if she was okay but decided not to go in her room. Maybe she needed some time, he thought.

Both of them were running from each other but they still wanted to see each other.

And so, it happened. On the third day of her arrival, she came out of her room. The pitcher in her room was empty and she needed water.

After drinking water when she was walking back to her room, she saw him. He was sitting outside, by the pool. Her feet took her in his direction. She was afraid of him but there was something about him that always pulled her in, something that made her feel like she could trust him.

"Can I sit here?" She spoke in a low voice, interrupting his moment of solitude.

He looked up and then nodded. She sat down next to him, not too close. She was still scared. Her heart was beating like crazy.

"Bella is really cute." She broke the silence. "What did she meant by 'she always needs a cheek'?" Her curiosity got the best of her. Harry looked at her with some shock. He had never thought that of everything this was the question she would ask.

"She has a weird habit of playing with my cheek while she is falling asleep." He replied, looking at the water in the pool.

Another moment passed in silence.

"How you knew I was there?" She almost whispered. Harry knew what she was talking about.

"You called me." He replied shortly. Veronica turned her face to look at him. He was in a plain grey shirt which hugged his toned body and black joggers. Something she had never seen him wear.

"I didn't call you." She said, baffled.

"You did. You called my name." He rubbed the tip of his nose.

"So? You were not anywhere near there so, how you heard when I called your name?"

"Because I'm able to hear from miles away. Like right now I can tell that about few kilometres away from here, a dog and a cat is fighting." He told as if it was nothing while Veronica's eye's went wide but she didn't let him see it.

"So...you have superpowers?" Harry knew it would come. He knew she was a curious person.

"I have. I can run pretty fast, I can hear from far away, I can read minds and I have a good six sense." He revealed. Veronica's breath caught in her throat.

That meant, he could read her mind.

What if he read her mind?

She thought....


Hello! How was the secret? I wanted to make something new so I hope it was good for all of you.

And 397 reads! Thank ya'll so so so much!💖

All the love as always. :) x


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