..A Big Secret..

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But she couldn't open her eyes. It seemed impossible. It was like her eyelids were glued.

When, after a lot of struggle she opened her eyes. The first thing that met her eyes was the ceiling. It was a white coloured ceiling.

Where was she?

"Veronica how are you feeling?" A soft voice reached her ear. Her vision was a little blurry but she blinked twice and she saw someone's face hovering over her's.

It took her sometime to recognise the face, the face she used to hate.

"Can you speak? Tell me if you need anything." The voice spoke softly. She couldn't believe it was the same person.

It was Louis.

"W-where am....where am I?" She spoke, her voice hoarse.

"You are in my home. You are safe. You need anything?" He sat down next to her on a chair.

"H-Harry. Where is he?" She asked the question which was bothering her.

"He..." Louis begun but stopped.

"I saw him. He came to help me-" She stopped in the middle of her sentence when she remembered the moments.

Two animals fighting.

"Who is he?" She stared at Louis, her body was shaking in fear.

"Veronica we will talk about it later, you can-" Louis tried to convince her but she being she cut him off.

"No! Tell me! I saw two animals. They were fighting. Tell me DAMN IT! I'm tired of all the secrets!" She yelled and then started sobbing. "Please Louis." She pleaded, tears streaming down her rosy cheeks.

"He... Before I tell you anything, I want you to believe that Harry would never harm you. You have to trust him. Okay?" He took her hand in his. Veronica nodded, still crying from all the drama and pain she was feeling.

"He is a Lion. Half-man and half-lion. Like the werewolves in the movies, you can say." He revealed. Veronica's breath caught in her throat. Her limbs were frozen. She couldn't speak, she couldn't breathe. She just stared at Louis' face, which was waiting for any harsh reaction.

"Oh you think I'm a kid and I will believe your shit? Half-man, half-lion. Seriously Louis?" She laughed humourlessly. But when she didn't see any amusement on Louis' face, she jolted up, threw the covers away from her body and jumped from the bed.

"Veronica wait-" Louis ran towards her and because of lack of energy, she fell on her knees on the floor.

"Why? Why me Louis?" She covered her face with her hands while she cried.

"Veronica. He will never ever hurt you. There's nothing to worry about." Louis rubbed her back in an attempt to sooth her. "If he wanted to hurt then he would have never saved to all the times." He continued. Veronica didn't say anything. She just wanted to run away from everything. She wanted to be alone.

"Where is he?" She asked after few minutes of silence.

"He's outside, waiting for you. He wants to take you to his home." He said and Veronica's head snapped up in his direction. To say that she was scared, was an understatement.

"Why? No no I won't go with him." She shook her head continuously.

"He can't let you go to your house like this. And I told you don't be afraid of him. He onky wants best for you." He stood up, holding his hand out for her to take.

For some reason, she took his hand and stood up. Louis smiled at her and then opened the door.

Veronica's heart was thumping in her chest, she was scared, afraid, excited. It had been a week since she saw him, since she saw the boy who had grown a little spot in her heart. She stopped in her tracks when she saw him standing in black shirt and black jeans. His face held all signs of worry, tiredness, hurt.

"Veronica." He spoke in his beautiful voice, a voice she had grown to like.

"She's ready to go with you mate." Louis spoke and then he whispered something in Harry's ear. Harry nodded and turned around to leave. Veronica couldn't find any words to say to him, anything word to thank him for, anything to yell at him. She just watched him leave.

"Take care." Louis hugged her, like an older brother. She still couldn't believe he was the same annoying Louis. Veronica hugged him back, she felt calm.

Louis walked him to the door. She walked towards the familiar Black Range Rover. She hesitatingly walked towards the passenger seat and opened the door. She quietly sat in.

"It's about time you meet my princess." He smiled at her, glancing at her from the corner of his eye before starting the car.

So that means he has someone in his life?

She thought.


New chappie!! Princess huh?😏

Thank you so much for the votes and comments.


All the love as always. :) x


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