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Her life was disturbed but she was fighting it. She wanted to cry but she controlled herself. She wanted to run back to him but she won't, not like this.

After what felt like forever she talked to her friends. She called them the previous day and told them to meet up at their favourite café. Aliza, Nina and Alex came to meet her. Their jaws dropped upon seeing her. Like she had imagined. They didn't believe she was their Veronica. Veronica who's always ready, prepared, presentable. No, this wasn't her. It was the Veronica who was broken, who was in love.

"You went to Italy or a forest?" Aliza joked but Veronica didn't say anything in return, like Aliza had expected.

"How was the trip?" Alex had asked as he sipped on his latte. Veronica took a deep breath.

"I wasn't in Italy." She told.

"So you really went to a forest?" Aliza laughed. Aliza thought she would laugh or make fun but she didn't do anything and it worried her.

"Wait. Where were you Veronica?" Alex had asked, staring at his friend.

"I was kidnapped. Zayn kidnapped me."

All three of them, stared at each other and then at their friend.

"Stop kidding!" Nina laughed, trying to lighten the tension but Veronica didn't have any hint of smile or amusement on her face.

"C'mon! Stop it Dj!" Aliza also laughed along Nina. Alex still stared at her dear friend who looked nothing like the Veronica he knew. The happy, the carefree, the sarcastic and sassy Veronica. This girl looked like she had nothing in life, no purpose, no happiness, no person to talk. She looked shattered.

"How? When?" Alex asked curiously. And she told all the things to her best friends. Their mouths agape, listening to her.

"I can't....God! Veronica!" Aliza hugged her best friend. Veronica wouldn't cry, she had decided. She wouldn't cry anymore.

"You didn't deserve this..." Nina whispered, looking sadly at her friend.

"What about Harry?" Alex spoke, causing Aliza to pull away and look at Veronica as she waited for her answer.

"Nothing. He left me." She shrugged with a fake smile trying to hide the hurt.

"What are you gonna do now?" Aliza sat straight.

"What? There's nothing to do."

"You love him Veronica." Aliza whispered and Veronica's head snapped up in her direction. She was hiding her feelings but could she say that?

"No, I-I don't." She denied.

"I know you very well Nicks and you know what? You were in love with him ever since you met him at the beach. Did you tell him?" Aliza knew her for the longest time and she was aware of her every little detail. What food she loves, all of her likes and dislikes. She also knew that Veronica wasn't the person to express her feelings. She never did. Even when something was bothering her too much. She just didn't like telling people but expect her mother and Aliza. Aliza, because Veronica knew she could never hide anything from her.

"I didn't." She admitted. She thought he knew but he didn't. He never gave a hint.

"You have to tell him Veronica." Nina said.

"There's no point. He doesn't feel the same." Veronica gulped the lump forming in her throat. She still couldn't believe that she was in love with a person, let alone with him.

"Veronica, you know we should never lose hope. We should try again and again. And I believe he loves you but suppose if...he doesn't than at least you wouldn't regret that you didn't try! You are a stubborn girl who gets everything she wants. Now the only difference is that it's not a thing, it's a person you want, you need. At least try to tell him. Even if he doesn't love you, you would at least br satisfied. You get me?" Aliza encouraged her best friend. Veronica heard the same things from her mother. She was ready but still scared of his response. But like Aliza said, she has to try and she will!

She was thinking about all her chat with her friends, in her room when her phone rang. It pulled her out of her thoughts and she took her phone from the bedside table. It showed an unknown number.

She hesitated but picked up anyways.


"Ahh, Miss Johns!" The same voice reached her ears. The same voice with a thick and different accent.

"Why are you calling me?" She got angry upon hearing his voice. She wasn't curious anymore to know who he was.

"Why so serious, Miss Johns?" He chuckled. "It's been a long time since I heard your beautiful voice." He said and anger boiled in her.

"Don't call me ever again!" She was about to hung up but he spoke.

"I like talking to you, Miss Johns. Why don't you talk to me?" His voice filled with hurt. Here's a person who's begging to talk to her and then there's him who left her after sowing the seed of love in her heart.

"I don't know you."

"You know me. You know me for years but you just don't remember. But I remember. I remember how you used to cry when your mother wouldn't let you eat your favourite chocolate. Galaxy, hazelnut. Right?" He told, his tone was like he was smiling.

She stared at the phone with her eyes wide. She forgot to breathe for a moment.

"But...but how do you know?" It was true, her favourite chocolate was galaxy hazelnut.

"There's more." He laughed. "You loved Blossom from the power puff girls. You hated spongebob. Your favourite cartoon movie was The Sleeping Beauty. You loved Phillps horse. You also said your Dad to buy you a horse like him." He continued revealing her childhood memories and she sat their, stunned. She didn't remember all of these things but how did he know these? She still loved Blossom and The Sleeping Beauty.

"Who-who are you?" She whispered, her hands trembling with fear.

"I'm someone who knows you since you came in this world. I'm someone your mother doesn't tell you about. I'm someone who knows every little detail about you."

"No, it-it can't be. I don't remember anyone. You are lying!" She refused to believe.

"I know you don't like me but I really like you Miss Johns. I won't bother you but there's only one thing I want from you."

"What?" She asked unintentionally.

"I just want to talk to you, everyday. Do you think you can do it?"

"I....yes I can." She muttered.

She shocked herself too but there was something in that person which made her want to talk to him.

And them she waited for his call everyday.


Hello! I hope you all are doing good. And I also hope you like this chapter. Please comment your thoughts!

And thank you so much for 808 reads!!💝💖💋

All the love as always. :) x


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