.. Eavesdropping..

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They walk to the beach where Alex was. She was ahead of all the girls. She wanted to give Alex some talk. She was way too excited for Nina. She had noticed the little glances, little smiles, and winks he would give Nina. He always talked about what she liked and what she didn't. She knew he liked her but both of them were just nervous, scared of the answer.

Today it was finally going to happen. She was very happy when Nina made that deal with her. She didn't go to those boys to prove her bravery towards her friends, she went to talk to them so Nina would tell him what she feels about him.

"Hello Alex!" She waved at him who was sitting by the little bar.

"Hello Dj Veronica." He smiled

"Just control your smile. Nina is coming. And now it's time you tell her how you feel okay?" She whispered, and smiling looking at Nina who was walking their way.

"What? What is this about?" Alex placed the glass on the slab and looked at her with wide eyes.

"Just...tell her. Okay? Enough of this secret liking!" She raised her finger at him, still a fake smile plastered on her face for Nina.


"Hi Alex!" Nina said as she approached them. She smiled shyly as she looked at Alex.

"Guys, I'm gonna go with girls. See ya later!" Veronica winked at Nina and walked away from them.

As she made her way back to the beach chairs where Aliza was sitting.

"I hope they do it this time." Aliza said, sighing.

"Yeah same here." Veronica closed her eyes as she laid back on the chair.

"Excuse me Mam!" Someone said next to her after a few minutes of relaxing.

"Yes?" She opened her eyes and looked at the young waiter standing with a sunflower.

"Someone sent this for you." He smiled handing her the sunflower along with a neatly folded white paper.

"Who?" She asked. Aliza was now also sitting looking at the waiter.

"I don't know Mam. I was just told to give it to you." He replied and left.

She looked at the sunflower, the card and then at Aliza.

"Who can it be?" Aliza looked, puzzled at her.

"No idea." She shrugged and unfolding the paper. Her eyes went wide as she read the note, in the centre of which was written,

"I hope you didn't forget me Miss Johns.



She kept turning in her bed but she couldn't sleep. She was thinking about the nightmare she had last night. Who wants her blood? And who is that creature? She huffed in annoyance and swung her legs off the bed. She grabbed her iPhone with headphones. She tip toed and tried to open the door as quietly as she could. The door squeaked as it opened slowly. She sighed as she successfully made her way out of the room, without waking Aliza.

She smiled as she remembered how Nina practically screamed when they came back from the beach to the resort. Of course it was awkward for them but they finally said that they like each other. Alex was also very happy.

Her thoughts went to when she would find someone who would like her, tell her she is beautiful, tell her he loves her, tell her she makes him happy. When will she find her Mr. Right?

Her feet stopped when she saw two figures by the pool. She narrowed her eyes as she tried to recognize who they were.

"Don't ever touch her!" One figure gritted and that voice made chills run up and down her spine.

She pressed her front to the wall and cocked her head to the side so she could see.

"Now where's the fun in that, huh?" The other figure chuckled darkly.

"Stay. Away. From. Her!" The first figure growled, grabbing the collar of the second figure. They were standing in such a way that their side profile was visible to her.

Her breath hitched in her throat, eyes wide and she gasped as she reaslized who those were.

Those voices.

She recognized those figures.


Hello guys. Update! I hope it's interesting and you guys are liking it. Thanks again to whoever is reading it.

All the love as always. :) x

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