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"We're here!" Harry announced, taking the key out of ignition.

"Finally!" She sighed in relief since it was one hour drive and because of the awkward moments. She stepped out only to see an empty road and some trees.

"Oh I've never seen roads and trees. Thank you so much Lioni!" She said sarcastically, laughing afterwards. Harry rolled his eyes and jogged around to stand with her.

"I always thought no one could annoy me more than Bella but I was so wrong." He teased, his tone serious.

"Whatever!" She rolled her eyes now. "Now what? We're hear to see trees?" She spoke again, shifting her weight from one foot to another, arms crossed over her chest.

"You never let people finish, do you?" He repeated Alex's words. She felt a pang of pain run through her body. Her friends. Where were they? And her family? She only hoped they were fine.

"Let's go now!" He ordered and lead her wherever he wanted to take her. They made their way in between the trees. It was a forest. Big, giant trees stood tall and proudly.

For few moments, she followed him silently but then her patience ran thin.

"How long it's going to take?" She whined. He turned to glare at her. She placed her index finger on her lips, gesturing that she'll be quiet. She spoke again after few minutes.

"Harry, my feet hurt and I'm tired and sleepy and-" She was stopped once again by his glare. She groaned to herself.

She was looking around when she suddenly bumped into his hard back. Harry had stopped.

"Hop on!" He had said. She stared at his back for few seconds. "Hop on or I won't ask again." He warned. She gulped, then jumped on his back. He stumbled a little from her sudden action but he managed. He wrapped his arms around the back of her knees to support her weight on his body. She hesitatingly looped her arms around his neck. Her breath hitting his cheek as she rested her chin on his shoulder. Her cheek came in contact with his fluffy hair. She inhaled the scent of his shampoo. His hair smelled like chocolates. He smelled like chocolates. She wondered what shampoo smells liie chocolates.

At first Harry walked slowly, but then he used his running power and they reached the end of the forest in a flash.

In the end of the forest, where they stood, was lush green grass and a lake. Harry planted her on the ground and she gasped at the beauty in front of her. It was a heart-shaped lake. It was unbelievably beautiful. For some minutes, she wasn't able to say anything. Her jaw dropped, eyes wide in amazement.

 Her jaw dropped, eyes wide in amazement

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"It's-" She begin.

"Breathtaking, isn't it?" He asked, his breath hitting her hair as he stood behind her, closer than ever.

"It is. It's so beautiful." She said, not taking her eyes off of the beautiful lake.

They stood like that for few minutes, the only thing being heard was their breathing. Veronica turned around to see Harry. He was standing so close to her, she could feel his minty breath on his face. She wanted to kiss him but she refrained herself and wrapped her arms around his neck. She hugged him in such a way that her chin rested on his shoulder. She was standing on her toes in order to meet his height.

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