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There was someone at the door aftet the breakfast. She heard a girl's voice along with Harry's voice. Laughter could be heard. She was playing with Bella and her dolls when the bell rang and a girl came. Once again, she was curious to know who she was and how Harry knew her. So she told that was going to drink water and came out.

She walked straight to the kitchen, not to make them know that she was there to see them. She could see the living room from kitchen. She poured herself a glass of water and sat on the stool around the counter, eyes focused on the girl. The girl was blonde, tall and beautiful. She had a beautiful smile. She was probably twenty two years old. She was sitting beside Harry, smiling at him as they talked.

"Who is she?" She asked, Jenny, Harry's housekeeper. She was almost forty years old with brown hair and blue eyes. Jenny was washing the dishes when she asked the question.

"His girlfriend." Jenny replied and the glass almost fell from her hands. She looked at Jenny, who was busy with dishes. Then at Harry who was giving the girl a wide, dimpled smile which she adored to no end. And then at the girl who was sitting a little too close to Harry. Harry's arms was around the back of the sofa in such a way that it looked like his hand was around the girl. Anger and jealously boiled in her as she looked at them.

What was in her that I didn't have? Why he was smiling with her like that? Why it's not me?

"Veronica!" Harry's voice dragged her out of her thoughts. She looked at him, he seemed extremely happy with her. "Come here!" He called out. She hesitated but then went to the living room anyway.

"Meet my girlfriend, Marilyn. Marilyn, she's Veronica, my friend." Harry introduced them with a smile on his face. She looked at him as he introduced them and as he, so easily, called her his friend.

"Hi, nice to see you!" The girl, Marilyn smiled holding her hand out for her to shake.

"Likewise." Veronica shook her hand and smiled at her sadly.

"Harry told me about you a lot." Marilyn tried to keep the conversation going.

"Oh really? But he never told me about you. Strange, isn't it?" Veronica chuckled humourlessly. Marilyn stared at her for a second and then smiled, looking back at Harry.

"Harry's quite a private person for that matter so no wonder why he didn't tell you about me." Marilyn put her arm around Harry's shoulder, looking at him so fondly.

"Of course. I don't want to disturb your precious moment. So excuse me." She said sweetly, but the hurt was clear in her voice.

Marilyn and Harry watched her leave and then they both smiled at each other.

Veronica walked aimlessly in the hallway. She was angry and jealous. She wanted to throw that girl out of the house but if course she couldn't do anything. She had never felt this way for someone. Every boy, in the school or anywhere, wanted her. She was attractive, beautiful, everything a boy looks for. But Harry didn't see her like that. And that was the thing that was hurting her ever since she met him.

She found herself standing in front of a room. When she came to his house, Jenny had told her that it was the secret room of Harry. No one was allowed to enter it, except Bella or Jenny herself for cleaning the room otherwise no one goes in there. Veronica didn't think what she was doing and she placed her hand on the doorknob. She twisted the doorknob and the door opened. Despite the sunshine, the room was completely dark.

"Veronica!" She gasped and turned to see a furious Harry. "What are you doing here? You were told to stay away from here." He gritted.

"I-I was-" Her hands begun to shake and heart beating in her ears.

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