A Feeling

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"Morgana what are you doing here?" Merlin asked shocked to see Morgana. He was simply gathering herbs at the edge of the forest. She looked beautiful as always. Her raven hair was tied into a pony tail and her wavy black hair cascaded down her shoulder. She wore an emerald green cloak and the same green dress that she had worn when they first met

"Merlin I- I love you," Morgana said and ran into his arms and kissed him.

As soon as his lips touched hers she fell to the ground and withered up and then turned to dust.

Merlin woke up sweaty. He had been having more and more dreams like this. Of him somehow killing Morgana. Even though it had been years since the whole incident Merlin never let go of his guilt.

Camelot had changed a lot since Morgana left. Camelot went to war with a neighboring kingdom and Uther had died in battle leaving Arthur to be the king. Gaius's old age had caught up to him and he too passed away. It was a hard time for both Arthur and Merlin, but they helped each other get through it making their bond stronger than ever.

Merlin still hadn't told Arthur about his magic, but he had used it countless times to save Arthur's behind.

Merlin decided he might as well get up there was no way he could go back to sleep now. He started working on medicines people has asked of him. With Gaius gone Merlin was now the royal physician as well as arthur's serving boy, but he didn't mind. It kept him busy.
Knock Knock Knock

Merlin wondered who would be at the door at this time. He walked to the door cautiously holding a pan in his hand for safety measures.

He opened the door and was shocked to see Morgana.

She looked beautiful, just as she had in his dreams.

"Morgana what are you doing here?" Merlin said putting down the pan and motioning for her to come in

"Merlin I didn't know where to go I had to see you," Morgana said walking into Merlin's chambers

"What's wrong?" Merlin asked shutting the door

He turned to face Morgana and as soon as he did she pulled him to her and kissed him.


Merlin snapped out of his daydream to see Arthur at the door.

"What the hell are you doing?" Arthur asked

Merlin wondered how long he'd been staring at Arthur and put down the pan

"Arthur do you know what time it is? What are you doing here?" Merlin asked ignoring Arthur's question

"I couldn't sleep," Arthur said barging into Merlin's chambers

"Please come in," Merlin muttered under his breath as he shut the door.

"I don't feel well, Merlin," Arthur confessed

"Do you need some medicine," Merlin asked and started to make his way toward his medicine cabinet

"No it's not that kind of illness," Arthur said vaguely and sat down at Merlin's table "I dunno something inside doesn't feel right. It's not like a sickness it's more like an uneasy feeling," Arthur explained

"You woke me up for a feeling?" Merlin asked

"Something tells me you were already up," Arthur said eyeing Merlin's candles that were dripping wax due to being lit for a long time

"Is everything alright?" Arthur asked worried about his friend's well being

"Here have some of this it'll help with that feeling," Merlin said and handed Arthur a bottle

Arthur looked at Merlin. He had grown much thinner lately. Arthur made sure not to work him too hard, but it was plain to see that Merlin was getting sicker. His already pale skin had grown even paler making him look like a ghost.

"Thank You Merlin," was all Arthur said and took the bottle.

Arthur pulled the cork off the bottle and the scent hit him like a punch in the face.

"Jesus, Merlin," was all Arthur said and he took a swig of the bottle

Arthur started to cough and gag

"Oh stop being a child," Merlin said with a smile

Arthur was pleased to see Merlin smile. He didn't do much of that anymore

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