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"I'm sorry, you quit?" Morgana asked.

Morgana and Merlin were both in Morgana's room. Morgana was standing by the window, and Merlin was at the foot of the bed. He had burst in there without even knocking, and started shouting about Arthur and quitting.

Needless to say, she was not expecting this. Merlin had always been Arthur's loyal pet. Where did he summon the nerve to stand up to him? What happened while she was gone?

"Yes, I am terribly tired of having him walk all over me, and- and insult me and the people I care about," Merlin fumed.

Morgana had never seen him this angry. It was kind of attractive seeing him take charge like this.

"No, Morgana. Stay focused. You need to fix this,"

Morgana strode towards Merlin and took his arm in her hands. She looked up into his dazzling blue eyes.

"Merlin, think carefully about what you're saying. Arthur is undoubtedly your dearest friend. How could you abandon him?"Morgana tried to make her voice as gentle as possible.

"You don't know what he said, Morgana, about you,"

Morgana furrowed her brow, "About me?"

Merlin sighed wearily and scratched the back of his head, "He has some ludicrous idea that you're some evil powerful witch that wants to kill him and forcibly take the throne,"

Morgana felt herself go stiff beside Merlin, just for a fraction of a second. He didn't look like he had noticed. How the hell could Arthur have figured that out? When she had left, Arthur was as clever as a bull. How could he have put that together? What happened while she was gone?

Morgana laughed easily, "Why would I want the throne? Chasing after bandits and levying taxes? No thanks,"

Merlin looked at Morgana carefully, and for just a moment there she thought she had been found out, but then he said, "You see why I had to quit then,"

Morgana did her best to look confused, "No, not really,"

Merlin instantly turned a vivid shade of pink, "Mor-Morgana before I- er- before I left, you and I we- well we-er,"

Morgana smiled reassuringly, "Yes?"

Merlin smiled back, "I love you, Morgana. I absolutely do,"He took both of her hands in his looked down at her, "When you were gone it was the worst years of my life. Knowing what I had done ill to you. How I had hurt you. Yes, that was hard and I felt ashamed, but that pain was nothing compared to the unbearable pain of not being around you. I know our relationship started based on a foolish lie, I manipulated you for information while playing with your emotions, and I cannot begin to tell you how much I sincerely regret my shameful actions. I didn't comprehend it at the time, but I had been falling for you from the second I met you. It was when you disappeared that I realized that a big part of my heart and disappeared with you,"

"Merlin," Morgana whispered tenderly. She was a little surprised at the depth of his words. She could see the tears forming in his glittering eyes. He undoubtedly meant every word.

"And that is why when Arthur says those cruel words about you, I cannot stand it. I am leaving Morgana, and I beg you come with me,"


Merlin held her hands closer to his face and smiled, "Come with me. Let's leave all of this. We can be happy together. I have quite a bit saved up. I could establish my own physician's practice. You could bake and sell homemade cakes. I remember how much you love baking. We could be happy together, Morgana,"

Morgana couldn't believe this. Three years ago this would've been her dream. Her and Merlin running away together. She wouldn't have to be royal anymore. She could just be a normal girl. Not having to look perfect, act perfectly, be perfect. She could just be herself, it was what she had always desired. But that innocent girl had died long ago, Merlin had killed her. She had different goals and aspirations now that she knew who she really was, and what she could do.

"Merlin, I can't. I'm a princess," Morgana said.

"Morgana there's no life for you here anymore. Arthur will get married and have kids, and they will rule next. They are cruel people. Arthur already perceives you as a threat. He will look eagerly for he first chance he gets to get you out," Ok, Merlin knew he was exaggerating a bit. Arthur wasn't a bad guy, but he had to convince Morgana.

"Perhaps, you're right. I don't know, Merlin. It's such a drastic change," Morgana decided she could pretend to run away with Merlin and then just tell him that she had grown too used to the luxuries of the castle and she wanted to come back, then he would surely come back with her, and the plan that she had been working on for two years would go on without another hitch.

Merlin kissed her hands, "But we'll face it together. Meet me in front of the castle tonight after everyone's gone to bed. We'll leave then. Pack only the essentials,"

Merlin kissed Morgana one final time, and then left. He couldn't believe it. It was like all his dreams were coming true. They would wed tomorrow and then he would go obtain a house for them.

There was one more thing, though, he remembered. He would have to tell her he had magic. Morgana knew Merlin had taken her memories once, but she had assumed he used some sort of potion, but tonight he would tell her the truth. Tonight he would tell her he was a sorcerer. 

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