The Last One

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Morgana sat in her cottage sharpening her knife. She was finally in her regular black clothes, and her hair was the way it had been when she had been living on the low practicing her magic. Her plan was being set into motion. Arthur had even asked her to meet him at Enaid Pond that afternoon. It was too perfect. He was helping her, and he didn't even know it.


Arthur and Merlin sat across from each other in a small red carriage. Even though Enaid Pond was a short distance away, the weather wasn't great so it was taking them a bit longer than it should have. Arthur had sent a note to Morgana asking her to meet him there at noon, and she seemed excited to do so.

"So, after this is all over do you think you'll marry Morgana?" Arthur asked Merlin.

Merlin turned scarlet, "Do you think you'll marry Gwen?" He asked trying to make Arthur uncomfortable.

"I have no problems talking about my feelings, Merlin," Arthur said coolly, "Yes, I do believe I'll marry Guinevere. In fact I was in the middle of proposing when you barged in on us yesterday," Arthur grumbled.

"Really?" Merlin sat up in his seat

"Yes, now don't change the subject. You were smitten over Morgana back in the day. When she gets her soul back, she'll be her old self again,"

"I wasn't in love with her back then," Merlin said.

"Are you joking?" Arthur asked, "You guys went out together practically every night!"

"I was just trying to figure out what happened to your old servant. I was obsessed with that back then do you remember? It was so long ago,"

Arthur's smile disappeared off his face, "Ah, Sam"

"Was that his name?" Merlin asked.

"You never found out what happened to him?"

"No, I got close I think, but then everything happened with Morgana, and I just forgot about it"

"Shall I tell you?" Arthur asked.

"Please, I'd like to finally know the story that I broke Morgana's heart over,"


Sam had a hard life. Now, I am not excusing his actions or what he did, but I do believe that if he had been shown more kindness things would not have turned out the way that they did. His father was a drunk and used to beat him and his mother practically every night. He was a rather ugly child, and the other children would tease him and throw stones at him. He was about my age and I remember sneaking into town one day when I was eight and I saw the children and even other town people abusing him and ridiculing him, and his own parents sat back and did nothing. His mother was probably too afraid, but his father actually laughed at the sight of his son being tormented.

Sam's ordeal never left me, even as I grew up. When I got a bit older I found him in town and told him that if he ever wanted a new life, he could have a job as my servant in the castle.

He was ecstatic and accepted right away, of course. Now, he didn't get along with a lot of the other servants. I'm sure Guinevere loathed him, but him and Morgana got on quite well.

I think Morgana was just kind to him, and that was the first time a woman had been kind to him, so he took it the wrong way. He fell madly in love with her. He would forget to do his chores just to watch her walk around the palace. He would put things in her room flowers, candies, things like that.

Morgana thought it was sweet. Just a schoolboy crush she had said. She was convinced it would pass in no time because she certainly didn't feel the same way about him.

One day, though, he proposed to Morgana. She did her best to turn him down gently, but he believed that her gentle refusal meant that she might change her mind. So he asked her again and again and again. Until finally she said no, and she said it not kindly.

He was shattered that the only woman who had been kind to him, had spoken to him in such a way. He handed in his resignation to me immediately and told everyone that he would find a woman twice that of Morgana and they would be happy together. One day Morgana even found a dead rat in her bed. She didn't want to think badly of Sam so she said that the poor thing must have just died in her bed, but I am certain that Sam left it there for her.

Now, you know what Morgana was like—when she had a soul I mean. She was a philanthropist. She loved helping others and looking after them. She especially loved the orphanage and the children there loved her, and Sam knew that.

He sent her a letter one day in which he said that if she didn't marry him by the end of the day he would burn down the orphanage and then kill himself. Thankfully, my men and I managed to stop him before he burned down the orphanage, but he managed to kill himself.

Morgana was really messed up after that. Father and I used to tease her about it, which I recognize now was cruel, but in our eyes the crisis had been averted. The orphanage was saved and sure Sam was dead, but he wasn't that great of a person so good riddance.

But that's not how Morgana saw it. She blamed herself. She couldn't believe that her actions had put those children in harms way. And she mourned Sam's death, because even though he was not great person, he was still a person. And she blamed himself for his death. It wasn't her fault, not in the slightest, but she didn't see it that way.

She really changed after that ordeal. Became more closed off and less social, that is until you came along, Merlin.


"My God," Merlin said once Arthur had finished, "Morgana's truly had a hard life hasn't she?" Merlin felt guilty because he knew that he was partly to blame for that.

Arthur nodded, "Say, if this plan doesn't work do you have a backup?" He asked

Merlin looked out at the carriage window at the storm, "It'll work," He assured Arthur.

Truth be told Merlin did have a back up plan, but he wouldn't tell Arthur because he knew Arthur would never let him go through with it.

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