Tempers Flare

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A/N Hello everyone, it's me! I hope you're enjoying the story. Since it's been a while since I've written this story I know a lot has changed in how I write. If you have any criticisms or suggestions please let me know. I love hearing your feedback and reading your comments. I prewrite the chapters so it may take me a bit to actually take your suggestion into consideration, but I'll do my best. I hope you enjoy this chapter

Merlin woke to Arthur's deafening shouts.

"Arthur? Are you alright?"He groaned. He was still lying on the soft grass, but his entire body ached. It was fairly dark now, he had no idea how long they had been lying there. He opened his eyes to see Arthur's giant face right above his own. It surprised him, and he screamed and sat up which caused their heads to bump right into each other.

They both yelped in pain and then Arthur shouted, "God, Merlin! You're such an idiot!"

Both men were now standing across from each other. Merlin massaged his forehead where he had just collided with Arthur.

"This 'idiot' just saved your life, and this is the thanks I receive?" Merlin asked quite annoyed by Arthur's lack of gratitude.

"Saved my life?" Arthur yelled appalled. "Merlin, you crooked nose knave! If you had been present at this morning's meeting you would've known there were no children in the orphanage! But nooooo you had too much pride to do your job,"

"Do my job! ALL I do is do my job. Do you know how impossible you are to look after? I did save your life this time, and I have saved it so many times before and have you ONCE ever said thank you? Have you once ever shown me any appreciation?" Merlin raged.

"You? Save me?" Arthur laughed mirthlessly."Merlin, you can barely walk in a straight line without falling over twice, do you genuinely think I-- the king of Camelot who has trained in the art of warfare his entire life--need a simple servant to save his life"

Merlin and Arthur were merely inches away from each other. They were both staring daggers.

"You may have trained your entire life, but there are even so many things you're ignorant about," Merlin said coldly, still not breaking eye contact

"Then enlighten me," Arthur said and crossed his arms, a twinkle of amusement sparked in his eyes.

"There is more to the world than just what you see on your throne, Arthur. I am terribly tired of protecting you and working ceaselessly for you, with little to gain for it. As soon as we get back to Camelot. I'm leaving,"

"What?" Arthur lowered his arms to his side, all the amusement gone from his eyes.

Merlin began to storm off, "Merlin, wait!" Arthur called after him.

"Merlin, surely you don't mean that!" Arthur trotted next to him, but Merlin wouldn't even look at him.

"Merlin! Come on you're being a little dramatic," Arthur insisted, but Merlin still said nothing.

"Is this about what I said about Morgana? Merlin, you need to be careful around here. There's something not right about her. I know h-,"

Merlin had punched Arthur square in the face. Arthur was a little surprised at how strong Merlin actually was. Rage flared in his chest at the thought of a measly servant having the audacity to lay a hand on him. Then he remembered this was not a servant, this was Merlin.

Merlin's eyes widened as he grasped what he had just done. Arthur's lip was bleeding. Merlin looked like he was about to apologize, but then changed his mind and kept walking.

Arthur watched as Merlin walked away from him. He wanted nothing more to save him, to help him.  But you can only help someone that wants to be helped. Merlin didn't want help, he only wanted Morgana.

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