Into the Woods

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Morgana stood at the edge of the forest and waited for Merlin. She wore a bright red dress and had her hair braided back. She also wore a cloak, and had the hood up. It was quite brisk today. She brought a basket with her in case she needed to take anything back. To be quite honest she wasn't sure what she was doing helping Merlin, she honestly hadn't expected him to tell her to.

Merlin had been off this morning, Morgana noticed it. Last night when she spied on him it hadn't seemed like Arthur had gotten to him, but perhaps he had. That wasn't good, but she could manage it. Morgana's plans for the throne would go easier if she had Merlin on her side, but even if he wasn't, she could figure it out.

Initially when Morgana returned to Camelot her plan had been to entice Merlin and then kill him, that plan had been going well enough but now she had discovered that she had a legitimate claim to the throne of Camelot. So, she had bigger fish to fry.

"Morgana!" A voice called. Morgana looked up see Merlin approaching her from inside the forest. He was dressed in his regular clothes and also had a pretty large bag with him. Morgana painted on the widest smile she could manage.

"I hope I didn't remember the time wrong," She said as he approached.

"No, I just showed up a little early," He said as he stopped in front of her

She kissed him and noticed that he had stiffened when she did so. "Interesting," Morgana thought, "He was ready to elope last night, and now today he can't even kiss me,"

"The plants I need are pretty deep in the forest, I hope you don't mind a walk," Merlin said

"No, that's alright," Morgana said, and they began walking side by side "I must confess, really don't know what to expect. I've never had to do work like this before," Morgana looked up at Merlin when she spoke, but he kept his eyes straight ahead.

"Not even when you disappeared?" He asked still focused on the path ahead.

"No, not even then,"

"What exactly happened to you? I mean you didn't really disappear," Morgana could detect just a hint of frostiness in Merlin's voice.

Morgana stopped walking. Merlin stopped a few paces ahead of her when he realized she wasn't following. He turned around to look at her. Morgana's head was down, looking at the basket she was holding.

"I-I don't really like talking about that time of my life. It was so hard, Merlin," She kept her head down.

"Alright, Morgana, you really don't ha-" Merlin said a bit gentler than before, but Morgana interrupted him, "But, I'll tell you. We're to be married soon, and we must have no secrets from each other," She looked up at him, cocked her head and smiled.

"Come sit down, and I'll tell you all about the years that I was gone," 

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