Convincing Merlin

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"Does this mean you've made up?" Guinevere asked. She lowered her hood and stepped between Arthur and Merlin.

Both of their smiles melted of their faces and were replaced with sour expressions.

"Oh, come on," Gwen said and rolled her eyes. "Why'd you invite Merlin then?" Gwen asked Arthur.

"I didn't invite him I thought you had," Both Arthur and Gwen turned to look at Merlin.

"I'm here for my own purposes, thank you very much. What are you two doing secretly meeting up in the dead of night?" 

"That's our business,"  Arthur said the same time that Gwen said, "Actually it's about Morgana," 

"Morgana? Don't tell me, Gwen, you believe Arthur's ridiculous idea,"

Gwen looked up at Arthur and then back at Merlin, "Actually, Arthur didn't tell me anything. I have my own reasons for suspecting her," 

"Careful, Guinevere, he might punch you," Arthur said dryly.

Merlin glared at Arthur "Well you're both being ridiculous, and you'd better find another spot to discuss your nonsense because I'm supposed to be meeting Morgana here,"

Gwen looked at Merlin carefully for a minute, "Merlin please don't tell me you two were planning on doing what I'm thinking," 

Merlin crossed his arms, and refused to look at Gwen. Arthur looked between Gwen and Merlin, "What? What was he planning? Merlin, what are you up to,"

"Merlin, come on. She's barely been back for a week. How do you know you can trust her?" Gwen asked.

"I knew her before she disappeared,"

"People change. Especially after going through something as traumatic as what Morgana went through,"

"People don't change that much," Merlin insisted.

Gwen bit her lip, "Nevertheless running away together isn't the solution here,"

"Running away together?" Arthur exclaimed finally having caught on, "Merlin! Don't be ridiculous. Think about what I told you in Castellum,"

Merlin finally looked at Arthur, "You know I have been thinking. On the way to Castellum, you were all for me and Morgana being together. You said I made her happy, and you," Merlin turned his gaze to Gwen, "I know what you've been doing trying to get me to see her as much as possible,"

"That was all before I realized what Morgana is," Arthur said. "It was when I was telling you about her and my father that I realized that she was the sorcerer that killed my father,"

"What? Morgana's a sorcerer?" Guinevere asked looking up at Arthur.

"Yes, and a very powerful one at that," Arthur told her.

"Well, that's just like you isn't it?" Merlin asked, "To mark any sorcerer as evil. To think anything to do with magic should be damned. Just like your father aren't you?" As soon as Merlin said the words he wished he could've taken them back.

Arthur turned and look toward the courtyard, an eerie silence came over the three of them.

"Arthur, I'm sorry. I didn't mean.." Merlin began, but he didn't know where he was going with it.

Arthur continued to look toward the courtyard, "There is no evil in sorcery," Arthur began quietly, " Only in the hearts of men,"

"Morgana has magic," Gwen said quietly like she couldn't believe it, "That must be why she was in your chambers, Merlin!"

"What?" Merlin asked

"When you were in Castellum I found Morgana in your room trapped beneath a shelf. She said she was reaching for something on the top shelf to surprise you, but she wasn't very convincing. Since she has magic maybe she was trying to find one of Gaius's old books or something," It had been a well known fact in Camelot that Gaius was a very powerful sorcerer before magic was banned.

 "But if she had magic why didn't she just summon whatever it was that she wanted?" Gwen thought aloud "Why did she go through all the trouble of reaching for it?"

"Maybe she didn't know what she was looking for," Arthur suggested.

"Or maybe she was really trying to surprise me?" 

Arthur and Gwen both gave Merlin a look, "Alright, alright!" Merlin conceded "Perhaps Morgana is hiding something, but I certainly don't think she's after the throne,"

"The throne? Why would she be after the throne?" Gwen asked looking between Merlin and Arthur.

Arthur explained to Gwen the whole story with Merlin snorts interrupting every so often.

"Come on, Gwen" Merlin began "Doesn't that sound just a bit ridiculous?" 

Gwen chewed her lip, "It does sound a bit far fetched for Morgana,"

"Ha!" Merlin said to Arthur.

"But for the old Morgana, I don't know who this Morgana is," Gwen said "She's changed a lot. Surely you see that, Merlin"

"Well you said it yourself, she's been through trauma of course she's changed,"

Gwen shook her head, "But it's more than that. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it's more than that"

"Well one things for certain," Arthur began "We've been out here for nearly two hours, and she hasn't shown up. Looks like you were stood up, mate"

Merlin's eyes widened. That's right Morgana was really late. He hadn't even noticed.

Gwen looked at Merlin pitifully, "Merlin, I know you notice something different in Morgana. You're letting yourself be blind to it because you loved her once, and that blindness is ruining your life. You have friends and a life here in Camelot, and you would throw that all away? You were going to leave without even saying goodbye to anyone. Without saying goodbye to me or Arthur. We have been by your side for so long and through so much, and you would just abandon us?"

"Gwen I-" Merlin began but Gwen held up a hand.

"This is not the Merlin I know. You are letting your love for Morgana turn you into someone you're not. Please reevaluate and see if this is the Morgana you fell in love with from the beginning," 

Merlin was quiet for a moment and then looked at Arthur, "Arthur I'm sorry. I've been an ass"

"Damn straight you have been," Arthur said grumpily.

Gwen smacked Arthur on the arm, "Arthur,"

"Oh, alright. I suppose I forgive you, and while you don't have to be my servant anymore, if you would like it the job for palace physician is yours," Arthur said as he looked at his boots.

"Arthur! Thank you!" Merlin said and pulled both Gwen and Arthur in for a group hug.

"Oy, no touchy what did I SAY NO TOUCHY," Arthur shouted but Merlin just kept him and Gwen in a hug.


"What a lovely scene," Morgana thought to herself as she watched Arthur, Gwen and Merlin. She had used an invisibility charm, so that she wouldn't be seen as she went to meet Merlin. She had been planning on taking it off before she reached the front of the castle, but she heard voices and went to investigate.

"So Camelot is supposed to be mine?" Morgana had her suspicions of her parentage. Morgause had hinted to her once long ago that her father was not her father, and when she killed Uther he had seen so desperate to take her back to Camelot, she had thought there was something there. But now she knew for sure. Camelot was meant to be hers, not Arthur's. 

"Well then I'll just have to do something about that," She said quietly to herself and walked back to her room.

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