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Hello all it's me, the author of this story! I haven't been on wattpad in a minute and it has changed SO much. I still love Merlin and I love this story, but it's just not something I feel a passion about anymore as I once did. When I logged back on here I was planning on writing a short little update saying that this story was ending because I am just not interested anymore, but then I read your comments.

You guys seem to love this little mergana story that I created and I am truly shocked by the amount of love I have received for it. I have never shown anyone my writing because I was afraid, but to have you guys say you enjoy it means more than you can imagine. I tried to reply to as many comments as I could (on both stories). Sorry if I didn't get to yours. My hands got tired lol.

So, because of all of you and your overwhelming love for this story I have decided to continue. I started this story around three years ago so it may not be very cohesive. Because I think I have changed as a writer and I don't remember all the details like I once did. I understand that a lot of the people who used to adore this story probably don't care anymore because it's been so many years, but as long as people keep commenting and asking for more, I'll be happy to write more  until the end of the story that is. :)

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