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Merlin waited for a response, not really sure of what to expect.

Gwen cocked her head, "You know, I'm actually not that surprised.,"

Merlin let go of Gwen's hands, "Really?"He asked.

Gwen nodded, "I mean, now that you mention it makes sense. And it really does explain a lot. I always wondered why Gaius just took you in, but he knew you had magic, didn't he?"

Merlin nodded and thought back wistfully to his first day at Camelot, showing up unexpectedly to see Gaius. 


A young boy wandered into a cluttered room.

"Hello?" He called as he walked in.

He looked around the room. There were books and bottles scattered all around in addition to plants and artifacts he had never even seen before. 
"Hello?" He said again as he wandered in further.
"Gaius?" He called.
An old man stood at the top of a bookshelf. The young boy cleared his throat to gain the man's attention, but as the old man turned he lost his footing and tripped. The young dark-haired boy's eyes glowed, and he used magic to move a bed to cushion the old man's fall.
"What did you just do?" The old man asked accusingly as he stood up.
"Erm" The boy was lost for words.
"Tell me!" The old man demanded.
"I- I- I have no idea what happened," The boy stammered.
"If anyone had seen that," The old man warned as he looked up from where had just fallen
"Er, no! That-, that was, that was nothing to do with me. That-, that was, "The boy was lost for words again. He wasn't very articulate this young man.
"I know what it was! I just want to know where you learned how to do it!"The old man said.
"Nowhere," The boy replied.
"So how is it you know magic?" The old man was beginning to grow impatient.
"I don't," The boy insisted.
"Where did you study? Answer me!" 
"I- I've never studied magic or, or been taught,"
"Are you lying to me, boy?" The old man asked suspiciously.
"What do you want me to say?"
"The truth!"
"I was born like this!" The boy confessed.
"That's impossible!" The old man turned his head, then he looked back at the boy like he had just realized something, "Who are you?"
"Oh, erm," The boy pulled off his backpack,"I have this letter," he took out the letter and handed it to the old man.
The old man looked at the letter and then back at the boy, "I- I don't have my glasses."
"I'm Merlin,"
The old man's face brightened at the name, "Hunith's son?"He asked excitedly, 
"Yes!" The boy said relieved.
"But you're not meant to be here till Wednesday!"
The boy frowned, "It is Wednesday," He said slowly. 
The old man paused, "Ah, right then. You better put your bag in there" He motioned to another room at the back.
The boy began walking to where the old man had been pointing, but then turned and said, "You- you won't say anything about, erm," He motioned to the broken bookshelf. 
"No," The old man said.
The boy turned back and began walking to his room.
"Although Merlin" The old man continued. The boy turned round to look at him.
"I should say thank you," The old man said with a glimmer of a smile in his eyes.


"You miss him a lot, don't you? Gwen asked which startled Merlin out of his memories.

Merlin rubbed his damp eyes, "I do yes," He said with a smile.

"Now, Gwen," Merlin continued growing serious now,"You must never ever tell Arthur or Morgana this,"

"But why, Merlin?" Gwen asked and then at the sight of Merlin's flabbergasted reaction continued, "I know that Uther had a certain view of magic, but Arthur is trying to do everything he can to distance himself from his father. He wants to be nothing like him. I truly believe that if you told him you had magic, he would accept it. It doesn't change who you are. You're still you,"

Merlin shook his head, "It's not just that I have magic. The druids they call me Emrys. I am prophesized the most powerful sorcerer in the world. The prophesy says I must protect Arthur and help him unit the lands of Albion. How can I tell him all of that? How can I put all that pressure on him? No, he must never know, Gwen. Please, I beg you."

Gwen pursed her lips, "You don't have to tell him all of that, but I still do think you should tell him that you have magic,"

Merlin didn't reply. He had thought of that. Of course, he had thought of that before. He hated lying to Arthur about his magic. He lied to Morgana about his magic and now she-

"Oh, Morgana!" Merlin said.

"That's right! I completely forgot. So how can you be so sure of her?"Gwen asked.

"There are these two books called the Books of the dead," Merlin began.

"Fun title," Gwen said drily.

"They both contain very powerful magic. When Uther ordered magic to be banned, Gaius was in charge of getting rid of all knowledge on how to perform magic. However, these books contain so much knowledge that Gaius couldn't bring himself to do it, so he kept them and then gave them to me when it was my time. There is the grey book and the white book. The grey book talks of dark magic, despicable wicked things. The white book teaches light magic, healing and charms and things like that. I had both of these books in my room. I had them disguised as ordinary books and stored them safely in two separate locations. These books are so powerful in their magic that you can trace their magic if you know how. When I returned to my room, I found the grey book to be missing, and traced it back to Morgana's room. I didn't see the book, but I know it's there. She is going to use that magic to take Arthur's throne, I'm sure of it."

Gwen had grown paler and paler as Merlin spoke, "The grey book contains very powerful dark magic?" She asked quietly

"It's the worst type of magic there is," 

"Merlin, she's going to use it on Arthur, we have to do something!" She whispered desperately her eyes glistened with tears.

"I know, we must. I'm seeing her at noon, hopefully I'll get something out of her. I don't think she knows I'm on to her,"

Merlin took Gwen's hand again and squeezed it.

"Merlin, please tell Arthur you have magic. He should know," Gwen said.

Merlin frowned. Gaius had always warned him against telling people of his magic, but perhaps it was time.

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