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Guinevere had woken up nervous that day. Today was the day that Arthur would risk his life to get Morgana's soul back. She hoped that he would be alright. He was going to ask her something yesterday. She was sure she knew what it was, and she couldn't wait. Gwen was thinking about all of this as she hung the clothes up to dry when all of a sudden, she felt a sharp blow to the back of her head and everything went black.

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Gwen opened her eyes. Everything was blurry, but the first thing she noticed was that her hands were in pain. She was tied up she realized. She was basically hanging from the ceiling of a hut by her hands. She blinked a few times and her vision cleared. She saw a tall dark woman in front of her.

"Ah, you're awake," A familiar voice said.

"Morgana?" Gwen asked. The woman had Morgana's voice but she looked so different. She wore a tight black dress and her hair was curly and all over the place.

"What are you doing?" Gwen asked.

"I'm using you as bait, darling," She said cheerily.


Morgana put a finger to her chin in mock thought, "Hmm, should I tell you my plan? Well why not! Arthur is meant to meet me at Enaid Pond, today. This cottage is right on the edge of the pond, and when he gets here you are going to scream in unbelievable pain, my darling. Your knight in shining armor will come to save you, but I shall be ready to kill you. I will tell my sweet brother that he can have you in exchange for the throne, and of course he'll agree. It's almost too easy," She laughed.

"No, NO! Morgana, this isn't you!" Gwen screamed

"This is the most me I've ever been" Morgana laughed again.

"Merlin will stop you!" Gwen exclaimed.

"Merlin!" Morgana looked confused, "What's that pathetic little servant going to do? I confess I did want to kill him once, but now I have bigger things to worry about than petty revenge. I am the most powerful witch in the world, Guinevere. Only Emrys can stop me!" Morgana knew Gwen didn't know who Emrys was, but she said it anyway. To her surprise, Gwen laughed.

Morgana furrowed her brow, "What? What is it? Stop that!"

"Oh, Morgana!" Gwen laughed "You think you have it all planned out, but you don't even know. MERLIN IS EMRYS!"

Morgana's eyes widened in horror. No. Surely not. Gwen was just trying to fool her. To scare her. Merlin of all people was not Emrys.

Morgana took a sword out of the fire, "This will teach you to lie to me you, little wench,"

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