I Have Magic

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Arthur sat in his chambers poring over political papers. It was getting late and frankly he was exhausted. He couldn't seem to focus on anything today. In all his council meetings and training sessions, all he could do was think about Morgana. She wanted his throne, and she knew that he knew that she wanted his throne. Should he just give it to her? Technically it was her's by right, she was the older sibling. However, she was an illegitimate child. Therefore, the throne couldn't be hers. But Arthur had never liked that term "illegitimate child." He didn't believe in it. How could a person not be legitimate? If they possessed thoughts, ideas, beliefs, morals, a soul, did that not make them legitimate? Are not all people equal in God's eyes? Regardless of race, gender, or the status of their birth. He sat at his desk pondering these profound questions when a knock came at his door.

"Come in," Arthur desperately hoped it was who he thought it was.

Arthur was not disappointed. Merlin entered Arthur's room looking almost as weary as him.

"Merlin," Arthur greeted enthusiastically

"We need to talk," Merlin's voice was more serious than Arthur had ever heard it before. He sat up in his chair and motioned at the one across from him, "Sit."

Merlin sat. With his eyes closed he intertwined his fingers and carefully put his chin on his hands. Arthur, for a second, thought Merlin was praying and wondered if he should do the same, but then Merlin opened his eyes and spoke.

"I need to tell you something. Something that I wonder I should have told you a long time ago. I can hide it no longer now,"

"Merlin, yo-," Arthur began, but Merlin put up a hand to stop him.

"Please do not interrupt me. I barely possess enough courage to tell you this, and if you say anything I may lose all of my bravery,"

Arthur's eyes widened. He had never seen Merlin this scared to tell him anything. He couldn't believe it. There was nothing Merlin could say or do that would cause Arthur to think less of him. Surely he knew that.

"You asked me how I knew for certain that Morgana is after your throne. There are these books called the Book of the Dead."

Merlin explained to Arthur about the Grey book and the White book, and how Gaius couldn't bear to destroy them so they stayed in his chambers. Merlin told Arthur of how he hid the books because they possessed so much power. He told Arthur of all the wickedness in the Grey book and how it contained the darkest magic there is. He told Arthur all of this leaving out minor details that hinted at his own magic.

"Now Arthur, last night you said 'There is no evil in sorcery. Only in the hearts of men.'You have known me for many years now. Tell me please what you think of my heart," Merlin looked down. He wouldn't meet Arthur's eyes.

Arthur was taken aback, "You have a good heart, Merlin. You're a good person, maybe a little slow at times,"He said with a soft laugh "but truly one of the best men I have ever known."

Merlin still didn't look up, "You genuinely believe that of me?" He whispered.

"Yes, Merlin. Of course, now tell me what this is all about. You're frightening me," Arthur said softly but firmly.

Merlin finally looked up at Arthur. Arthur was shocked to see two rivulets of tears flowing down Merlin's face.

"Merlin," He breathed.

"Arthur, I-I'm a sorcerer. I have magic,"

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