To Camelot

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Morgana looked at her reflection disgusted. She wore a long white dress with long net sleeves. Her hair was pulled back into a low neat bun. Morgana became so used to wearing all black and not even bothering with her hair that she almost didn't recognize herself.

She had to get past the unfamiliarity of her attire for there were bigger things to worry about. She had been planning this for years. How she would get her revenge. How she would make the man who wronged her pay.

Morgana had mastered magic. Every single aspect of it. There was almost no one who could defeat her. Except for one. His name was Emrys. In her studies of magic she had learned of Emrys. He was told to be the most powerful sorcerer in the world, but she wasn't worried. It wasn't Emrys she had to defeat. It was only Merlin.

Morgana walked out of her hut. If you could even call it that. It was tiny and disgusting. The walls had plenty of holes and the floor was just dirt. All that was in the "hut" was a pile of hay and a skeleton.

The skeleton belonged to Morgause. Morgana never bothered to clean her up or give her a burial. She found a spell to get rid of the smell and that was it. Morgana just didn't see a point to sentiment anymore.

The years had made Morgana sharper. She was no longer the naive little girl who worried too much about what she said or how she acted. She learned to take care of herself and not worry about other people. She knew that she had to take care of herself even if that meant harming others and often times it did.

"dissimulare omnes vestigia mea ," Morgana chanted.

The hut and any trace that she had lived in the forest disappeared.

Morgana noticed a mouse on the forest floor. She picked it up by the tail and said, "transmutare in equo,"

The mouse turned into a beautiful white stallion. Morgana put her favorite green cloak on and mounted the horse. Then she rode it all the way to Camelot.

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