The Plan

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Merlin, Arthur, and Guinevere were all seated at Arthur's dining room table with the White Book between them. Arthur was still annoyed at Merlin for interrupting his announcement to Guinevere. She kept looking at Arthur smiling and then looking away. Merlin didn't care that Arthur was annoyed though, he was too excited by his discovery.

"Now," Merlin began his voice full of eagerness, "The White Book and the Grey Book each tell you how to combat each other in a way. The Grey book teaches dark magic which is used against light magic and the White book teaches light magic which is used against the Grey Book, does that make sense?"

Both Gwen and Arthur wore blank expressions which indicated that it most definitely did not make sense, but Merlin was too excited to notice.

"I've read a bit of the Grey book in the past, it's really ghastly stuff in there, so I never had much interest in it. Gaius always told me I should study it, so that I can recognize dark magic when I come across it, but I just couldn't. The White Book on the other hand, I did study. I skimmed over a lot of the combat things and focused more on charms and healing, but I was looking through it this morning, and I noticed something,"

"Hold on, so Morgana has this Grey book that is filled with all of this evil magic, that you yourself couldn't bring yourself to read?" Arthur asked

"Yeah," Merlin said, "Now about th--"

"Now hold on a minute," Arthur interrupted, "She's after my throne and she's got some evil wizard book? She's gonna use it on me!" Arthur exclaimed.

"Yeah, but don't worry bec--" Merlin started again.

"Don't worry? Don't worry! Easy for you to say," Arthur scoffed

Merlin rolled his eyes.

"Arthur, perhaps you should let Merlin finish," Gwen suggested.

Arthur waved a hand which indicated Merlin should continue.

"Thank you, Gwen" Merlin said, "So, Morgana told me everything that happened to her after she disappeared. Now most of it I'm certain is pure lies. For one she told me she doesn't have magic anymore, and I know for certain that she does, but she also told me about what happened to her while she was dead,"

Merlin recounted to Gwen and Arthur what Morgana had told him about the golden woman called Circe and how she felt like she was split in two and her screams.

"In the White Book it talks a bit about Circe. She is supposedly the creator of magic. She was the first sorcerer, and now she resides in the underworld. When people with magic die, they go to her and she takes their souls and sends their bodies to the eternal resting place,"

"Ah," Gwen said, "I see where you're going with this,"

Arthur looked between Gwen and Merlin, "What? Where is he going with this? I don't see it"

"I believe that Circe did take Morgana's soul, and when Morgause brought her back to life she brought her back without her soul,"

"Oh, I see," Arthur said, "So, this is not the real Morgana. That makes so much sense,"

"Exactly," Merlin said.

"So, what do we do?" Gwen asked

"The White book describes a way to get a person back their soul, but it requires a lot of willingness of Morgana's part. At sunset on the shortest day she must willingly submerge herself in holy waters," Merlin explained

"How the hell are we going to get her to do that?" Arthur asked.

"I have an idea," Merlin's eyes glittered "Enaid Pond is said to be a holy place by the druids, and the shortest day of the year is tomorrow. I say you ask Morgana to accompany you on a trip and then take her to Enaid Pond and confront her about the throne, and then dive into the lake. She'll surely follow you, and it will be of her own will,"

"And what if she decides to just kill me on the way to the pond or before she even enters the water?" Arthur asked.

"She won't," Merlin assured him. "Take separate carriages to the pond, so she can't do anything, and Enaid Pond is seen as a sacred place by all magical people. Even Morgana without a soul wouldn't dare disrespect it by committing murder there,"

"This still seems like a bad idea to me. I'm being used as bait!" Arthur exclaimed.

"Well unless you've got a better plan!" Merlin was annoyed that Arthur didn't like his idea.

"Say where here in this book does it talk about this Enaid Pond," Arthur took the White Book and tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge.

Merlin rolled his eyes, "You'll never be able to open that. The Books of the Dead can only be opened by incredibly powerful sorcerers,"

"So, Morgana's and incredibly powerful sorcerer?" Guinevere asked.

"I believe so," Merlin said gravely.

"As are you," Arthur said quietly.

"What?" Merlin asked

"You can open the White Book can't you?" Arthur asked. "You're incredibly powerful,"

Merlin shared a worried glance with Gwen. Merlin hadn't told Arthur that he was the most powerful sorcerer there ever was, and he certainly wasn't going to,"

"Well, I suppose I have some natural talent," Merlin tried to say as casually as possible.

"When you told me you had magic, I must confess, I believed you had very little. But to know that you're so powerful, well, this changes everything!" Arthur exclaimed

"What does this change?" Gwen asked carefully

"Well, we can bring magic back to Camelot now!" Arthur exclaimed.

Merlin's face lit up with excitement, "You would really do that?"

"Of course, Merlin. I was thinking about it anyway, but I was afraid that all of the people with magic would be too afraid to speak to me, but now here you are,"

Merlin beamed at Arthur. Things were really looking up now. The prophecy was coming true. Side by side Merlin and Arthur would bring magic back to Camelot and then unite Albion. Arthur would be known as the once and future king, and Merlin would be by him for the whole thing.

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