Dresses & Lace

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Knock Knock Knock

"Come in," Morgana said 

Merlin walked in to see Morgana at her mirror brushing her hair. She was wearing a thin silk nightie. 

"Morgana Oh I- I was just- I came to-," Merlin was shocked by Morgana's attire and was thrown off a bit.

"Oh, Merlin!" Morgana said and began to blush furiously

"I can come back?" Merlin said in a high pitched voice. His face the same shade as Morgana's

"No that's okay," Morgana replied. 

Morgana stood up from her vanity and Merlin took in her appearance. They hadn't really talked since she had been back so Merlin didn't have any idea where she had been, but her beauty had not been diminished. In fact, if it was possible she was even more beautiful than he remembered. Her skin was so radiant that it almost glowed and her figure was so perfect. All Merlin wanted to do was to touch her, hold her, kiss her, love her. Morgana walked behind her screen to get dressed and Merlin was almost disappointed that he couldn't see her anymore

"I thought you were Gwen," Morgana explained, "That's why I said come in otherwise-"

"Oh no- yeah I totally- yeah I understand," Merlin stammered

"It's just I was expecting Gwen," Morgana continued

"Do you want me to go get her?" Merlin asked confused about whether or not she was telling him to leave

"No, it's just- I can't-" 

Morgana was sounding quite flustered Merlin noticed, "Is everything okay?" Merlin asked still unable to see Morgana because she was behind the screen

"No, not really," Morgana answered

"Oh, can I help?"Merlin offered

"Promise you won't laugh?" Morgana asked

"I swear on my life," Merlin said "But I wouldn't blame you if you didn't trust me," He thought

"Come here," Morgana said

"Morgana I- I don't know if that's- It's just," Merlin went back to stammering

"Just come here Merlin," Morgana ordered

Merlin went behind the screen. Morgana was facing away from him her bare back was showing because she hadn't laced up her dress. It took all of Merlin's self-control not to just take the dress off of her.

"Can you lace up my dress? Gwen usually does it because I can't exactly-," Morgana said

"No- Yeah- I got it," Merlin said

Merlin began lacing up the dress and then he stopped. He put his hand palm down on the center of Morgana's back.

"Merlin what are you-" Morgana started

"Shhhh," Merlin interrupted.

He moved his hand to her shoulder and put it under her sleeve. Then he did the same with the other hand and began slipping her sleeves down. When his hands were on her arms he turned around.

"You can tell me if you want me to stop," Merlin said

From the back, it seemed like Morgana's sleeve had only slipped a little to her arms. But when facing her Merlin realized that this resulted in a lot of cleavage.

As if answering his question Morgana put her hand on Merlin's neck and the other on his face and kissed him. Merlin started kissing her back moving his arms down to her hips. He kissed her back harder than she was expecting and started embracing her tighter. Her hands were running through his hair and she started to kiss him back with even more passion.

To her, it felt like a competition. Like they were establishing their dominance. 

But Merlin had genuinely just missed Morgana and any inch between them was an inch too many.

Morgana broke away 

"Merlin, as much as I am enjoying this. I do have to get dressed," Morgana said

"Right sorry," Merlin said and turned her back around

He finished lacing up her dress and then walked to the other side of the screen so she could finish getting ready.

"Should I ask why you're so proficient at tying up a dress?" Morgana asked surprised that Merlin had actually done a decent job when it took her weeks to figure out how to lace up a dress when she was on her own.

"You'd be surprised how often it comes up in the world of being a Physician," Merlin replied

Morgana emerged from behind the screen and began walking towards her jewelry box

"That's right you're the court physician now aren't you?" Morgana asked as she picked up a blue necklace that Arthur had given her one year.

"Yeah, it's not as hard as I thought it would be. I guess Gaius was just a great teacher," Merlin said

Morgana looked up at him,"You must miss him," she said

Merlin smiled wistfully like he was remembering something but all he said was, "Very much"

Morgana smiled back

"Anyway, the reason I came here was because I wanted to tell you that I'm going to be away for a few days," Merlin said

"Away?" Morgana inquired as she put back the blue necklace and picked up a black one

"Yes, Arthur's going to Castellum and he needs me to come along with him," Merlin explained

"Arthur's a big boy I think he'd be fine by himself," Morgana said as she sat down at the vanity and put on the black necklace

Merlin smiled,"Well you try telling him that," 

Morgana got up and walked towards him, "I will miss you," She said and put a hand on his chest

Merlin put his hand on top of hers and held it, "I know" He replied


"Oh no! Is that the first bell? I'm running late. Arthur's gonna kill me!" Merlin said

Morgana laughed "You better hurry"

Merlin leaned down and kissed Morgana "When I get back I want to spend every second with you," He whispered and then he ran out the door

Morgana walked to her window and saw Arthur and his men on horseback all ready to go. It was clear they were waiting for Merlin. Then suddenly Merlin appeared and ran to an angry looking Arthur shouting something as he ran. Whatever Merlin was saying it wasn't helping because Arthur just began to yell at him. 

 "Oh my dear Merlin," Morgana said as she watched him mount his horse "How easy you are to manipulate"

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