Come Back to Me

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Arthur and Merlin exited the carriage on the far-left bank of the pond. They were on the opposite side of the pond that Merlin and Morgana had been at the other day. Even though the cottage was on this side of the pond. Merlin noticed that you couldn't see it from where they were.

"Ugh, finally," Arthur stretched after he exited the carriage. "I thought Morgana would have beat us," He said and scanned all around him for his sister.

They both heard a blood curdling scream coming from down the pond.

"What was that?" Merlin asked

Arthur didn't reply. He was thinking about what he had just heard. It sounded so familiar. Then it struck him, "That was Guinevere!" He shouted and then took off. Merlin took off right behind him as soon as he had realized what Arthur had said.


"So nice of you to join the party," Morgana said when Arthur and Merlin burst into her cottage, "And I see you brought your lapdog with you, down boy" Morgana said to Merlin.

"Guinevere," Arthur breathed when he saw Gwen's limp unconscious body dangling from the ceiling. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?"

"She's not dead, yet. And she won't be if you give up the throne. Easy as that," Morgana said.

"Alright, I'll do it I'll do anything" Arthur conceded.

"Arthur! NO" Merlin protested.

"What do you want me to do, Merlin?" Arthur hissed.

"This isn't Morgana, Arthur. We can get her back,"

Morgana cocked her head at this exchange, "I'm not walking into the pond if that's what this is all about,"

"You see!" Arthur said.

"Now how do you know about that pond, little Merlin? Guinevere here is under the impression that you're Emrys. What lies have you been feeding her?"

"Morgana," Merlin began slowly, "You're going to let Guinevere go, and you're not going to take the throne from Arthur,"

"Ok, Merlin, just because you asked so kindly," She said mockingly. Her eyes glowed yellow, "rhwymo" She pointed her arm towards Merlin and he fell into a chair and was became bound in rope.

"Now, Arthur here's an even better deal. Two of your loves, and I'll I'm asking for is the throne,"

"Arthur, don't do it!" Merlin screamed, "I can do it. I can get Morgana back!"

"HOW?" Arthur cried desperately.

"Trust me, please," Merlin cried back.

"Please, little Merlin can't even stand up right now," Morgana laughed.

Merlin's eyes glowed yellow, "rhyddhau" He said and he was free from his bindings.

Morgana's eyes widened, "What? How? I'm the most powerful witch there ever was. You can't undo my spells," She looked up at Merlin and realization dawned on her, "No. No it's impossible you can't be," She began to back up.

Merlin took a step towards her, "crochadh" He said and Morgana began to hang the same way Gwen was.

"rhyddhau! Rhyddhau! Rhyddhau!" Morgana screamed, but she couldn't break Merlin's spell. "No! NO! IT CANNOT BE!"

"rhyddhau" Merlin said to Gwen, and her body fell down into Arthur's arms.

"Guinevere," He whispered and kissed her forehead.

"Arthur?" She mumbled as she began to wake up.

"Oh, thank God" He whispered. "Good job, Merlin. Now let's go"

"What? We can't just leave Morgana," Merlin said

"We have no choice. She won't go into the pond and sunset's come and gone," Arthur said

"There is another way," Merlin said. "I can go into the underworld and retrieve Morgana's soul,"

"What? Absolutely not, no way," Arthur declared.

"Arthur, there is no other way," Merlin told him

"We can leave her here!"

Merlin shook his head, "Morgana's blood is on my hands once. I won't kill her again, I refuse. Please, Arthur. Stay with me while I do this,"

Arthur still had an exhausted Guinevere in his hands and he looked down at her and back at Merlin, "You promise me that you will come back to me,"

"I swear it," Merlin said

"Then do what you must, Merlin. I will be here,"

Merlin took a step towards Morgana. She began to scream when she realized what was happening "NO! NO LET ME GO! DON'T TOUCH ME! DON'T TOUCH ME"

Merlin touched his forehead to hers and said, "rachamaid a-nis chun an fho-thalamh" Morgana's bindings were released, and both sorcerers fell to the ground unconscious.

Arthur put Guinevere in a chair, and found some food and water for her.

"Do you think they'll be ok?" She asked quietly.

"I-I" Arthur stammered and then began to sob, "I can't lose him, Guinevere"

Guinevere held Arthur's head against her breast and stroked his head, "It'll be alright, my love" She didn't know if it would be alright, but she prayed that it would be.

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