More Than Brothers

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"Merlin," Arthur breathed again. Now his face too was becoming wet with the steady flow of tears. He reached out his hand across the table and put it to the side of Merlin's face and cupped it. "It breaks my heart to hear this,"

Merlin stifled a sob. This was his worst nightmare. Arthur couldn't accept him and his magic, and he would have to leave Camelot and worse leave Arthur. He put his own hand over the one that Arthur had put on his face.

"Arthur," He sobbed.

"I can't believe you would," Arthur's voice broke. Merlin shook his head and looked down. Big fat tears fell from his eyes onto Arthur's desk.

Arthur took a breath, "It pains me more than I can say to know that you were afraid to tell me this,"

Merlin looked up at Arthur, he was confused by what Arthur was now saying.

"Merlin," Arthur said more strongly now. He put both of his hands on Merlin's shoulders, "I love you like a brother. If I had a brother, I am sure I would love you more than him. There is nothing nothing in this world that would make me hate you. Especially not magic. I am now starting to believe my father was mistaken about magic,"

"Arthur," Merlin couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Old friend, how could you have been scared to tell me. Do you think I think so little of our friendship that I would end it over such a trifle matter, do you think so little of me?" Arthur's voice broke and now it was his turn to look down.

Merlin stood up and went to Arthur's side of the table and pulled him in an embrace, "I'm so sorry," He whispered.

❀ ❀ ❀

"I'm so glad he told you," Guinevere said excitedly the next day. Arthur had some flowers delivered to Guinevere's house the previous day, and she stopped by his chambers to thank him and he told her everything that had happened the previous night.

"How long have you known?" Arthur asked they were both sitting on the very edge of his bed.

"He told me yesterday. He begged me not to tell you he was so frightened of what you'd think,"

Arthur shook his head at the idea of him thinking less of Merlin, then he looked sideways at Guinevere, "You know you're not supposed to have any secrets from me," He teased

"Because you're my king?" She looked down at their hands on the bed frame barely centimeters apart.

"Noo, rather because of something else that I am to you," He followed her gaze and inched his hand just a bit closer to hers.

"I believe you're thinking of married couples," Guinevere said.

"Then I suppose even if Merlin hadn't told me I would have found out soon enough,"

Guinevere's smile melted off her face and she looked up at Arthur, "Arthur," She said excitedly "You don't mean,"

Arthur smiled at her and was about to answer when his doors burst open.

Merlin barged right in, "I THINK I'VE GOT IT!" He shouted.


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