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Merlin stood in his chambers and looked at his shelves. A lot of his bottles had been smashed when Morgana knocked over his shelf, but that wasn't what he was focusing on.

*Knock Knock Knock*

"Come in," Merlin said, "Ah, Gwen," He went to

his desk and picked up a vial full of purple liquid.

"Thank you so much, Merlin. You know you really have a knack for medicine. You're probably the best physician I've ever seen," Gwen said as she received the bottle from Merlin.

Merlin smiled gratefully at the compliment, "Gaius was undoubtedly a great teacher,"

Gwen smiled back and turned to leave, but Merlin stopped her.

"Er, Gwen when Morgana knocked down my shelf did you happen to notice a brown leather bound book lying about anywhere?"

Gwen furrowed her brow, "No, I don't think so. Is it important?"

Merlin smiled once more, "No, I'm certain I just misplaced it. I hope the allergy medicine works."


*Knock Knock Knock*

"Come in," A voice called.

Merlin entered Morgana's room. She was sitting comfortably at her vanity gently brushing her long dark hair. She met his eyes in the mirror.


She turned around in her seat to face him, "I'm sorry I never turned up last night. I just got cold feet. I was thinking carefully about it all after you left and I ju-,"

"It's alright, Morgana," Merlin gently interrupted her.

She smiled graciously and waited for him to continue, but when he didn't she said, "Is there anything else?"

"There is actually. Gwen told me you were planning some kind of surprise for me?"

Morgana smiled sheepishly, "Oh that," She averted Merlin's kind eyes and looked down at her intertwined hands, "I was too embarrassed to tell Gwen, but I was actually snooping through your things. I wanted to know what you'd been up to while I was away,"She looked back up at Merlin, "I'm sorry, Merlin. I know I shouldn't have done that and know I made a mess in your chambers and ruined a lot of your medicines. If you want, I can help you remake them. I can pick and grind herbs or something,"

Merlin was about to protest and tell her she didn't have to, but then he changed his mind, "You know what? That would actually be great. Meet me at the edge of the forest at noon,"

Morgana looked genuinely surprised. She was expecting Merlin to tell her not to worry about it, "Oh, alright I'll see you then,"

Merlin said his goodbyes and left Morgana's room. He was being a lot colder than he was the previous day, but Gwen was right. He was letting his love for Morgana blind him to reality. It wasn't just love, though. He did still feel guilty about what he had done to her, and as much as he tried to convince himself that he had nothing but love for her, there was still guilt there.

Morgana likely detected the change too, but he didn't really care what Morgana thought because he had realized something else too.

Merlin pushed open the massive wood doors and burst into Arthur's room, "Arthur you were right about everything, about Morgana. She wants your throne."

A/N I know you guys want longer chapters, I'm sorry, but I can only do shorter chapters. When I do longer chapters, I feel like I am adding unnecessary things just to lengthen to the chapter and there's less substance in the story. I like doing short chapters because I feel like that helps the story move along faster. Also, I'll be going on vacation for a bit, so I won't be updating for a while. I hope you can understand. Thank you for all of your support.

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