Suppressed Memories

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It was like seeing a ghost. That was the only way Merlin could explain how he felt about seeing Morgana again. He couldn't believe she was alive. He wanted to run to her. To kiss her. To touch her and feel the warmth of life under her skin.

Arthur gave Morgana her old room in the castle and Gwen was her handmaiden again. She was ill so no visitors were allowed except for Arthur who came in and asked Morgana questions when she was up to it. Merlin, as royal physician, was also allowed, but he never went to see Morgana. He feared that if he touched her he would wake up and the whole thing would be another dream.

"Gwen!" Merlin shouted when he saw Guinevere. He had been searching the whole castle for her.

She was carrying a basket full of linen. Sweat glued her curls to her forehead in a sort of halo shape.

"Yes, Merlin what is it?" Gwen asked

"Here's Morgana's medicine,"

"Oh Merlin, I'm terribly busy at the moment can you please give it to her thank you so much!" Gwen said and ran away before Merlin could respond.

"Guinevere," a voice whispered

Gwen turned and saw Arthur hiding behind a pillar. He pulled her behind the pillar too.

"Did he buy it," Arthur asked

"Yes, are you sure this will work?" Gwen asked

"They were best of friends when she was here. Maybe Morgana is the only one that can make Merlin happy," Arthur said

Gwen and Arthur then realised just how close they were standing to each other.


Knock Knock Knock

"Come in," Morgana said wondering why Gwen was knocking.

Morgana's plan was going perfectly. For years she had been poisoning Merlin's dreams with images of her. Then she paid that man Ed to say she was stealing from him knowing that when Merlin saw just her figure he would recognize her...and he did. That was the perfect way to get back into Camelot. Now all Morgana had to do was wait for Merlin to come to her.

Merlin entered Morgana's chambers

"Sooner than I thought," Morgana thought to herself

"I brought your medicine," Merlin said

"I don't need it I feel much better now," Morgana said. Then to prove how good she was feeling Morgana got out of bed and tried to walk to her table, but she fell. Merlin caught her, however, before she made impact with the ground.

"Doesn't this bring back memories," Merlin said as he held Morgana in his arms

"Memories I've been trying to erase," Morgana said as stood upright

"Morgana I-," Merlin began

"When I died," Morgana began "my entire life flashed before my eyes and do you know what I saw Merlin?"

Merlin watched as Morgana spoke

"You, I saw you. My entire life all the things I've done and the only that stood out was you. Even after you used me for information and then murdered me I still have feelings for you," Morgana confessed

"How do you know tha-?"

"How do I know that you used me for information? Well when I came back to life all my memories came with me...even the ones that you tried you to suppress," Morgana said that last word so sharply Merlin could actually feel it sting.

"You still have feelings for me?" Merlin asked just realizing what Morgana said 

Morgana turned from Merlin and walked toward her bed. She put her hand on the bed post.

Merlin followed her and put his hand on her hips. Morgana turned so that she was facing Merlin and put her arms around him. They looked at each other.

Merlin looked down at Morgana's emerald green eyes. His eyes traveled down her face until they reached her lips. How Merlin longed to kiss those lips. To taste the sweet  taste of strawberries and smell lavender and feel Morgana's silky soft hair under his fingers.

Morgana looked up at Merlin's piercing blue eyes. She studied his face and noticed that he had grown even paler and thinner and that there were bags under his eyes. She felt a pang of sadness that Merlin wasn't well, but it passed as quickly as it came for her next thought was about how she would make Merlin as miserable as she had been all those years ago.

"Morgana I'm so sorry for- for everything I can't tell you how mu-,"

"Merlin shh," Morgana said and held him tighter and gave him a mischievous smile

Merlin run his hand through her hair and with his other hand he cupped her face and leaned in to kiss her.

Morgana tasted just how Merlin remembered her. Of strawberries and smelled like lavender. He began kissing her with more passion

Morgana felt Merlin's kisses grow stronger and was surprised that for a moment she was glad to be in his embrace.   

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