Sins of the Father

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"Do you hear what you're saying?" Merlin shouted at Arthur "You're completely mad!"

"Merlin you have to understand, I've known Morgana since we were kids and the person who has come back isn't the same girl she used to be," Arthur explained calmly. Ordinarily he would never allow a servant speak to him in such a manner. But Merlin wasn't a servant. He was a friend.

"She's only been back for a few days! We don't know what happened to her all that time she was gone. She's been through trauma, Arthur. And I know Morgana too, Arthur. She would never do such a thing. She's a good person. And if she's genuinely your father's daughter then how would she have magic and you wouldn't?"Merlin protested.

"We don't have the same Mother. Morgana's mother was a woman called Elaine. From what I have heard Gorlois met Elaine alone in Camelot. My father told me Elaine said that she moved to Camelot alone and was an orphan from a far away Kingdom. For all we know Elaine could have been a druid," Arthur explained.

"So your father slept with Elaine and then when she got pregnant didn't claim the baby?"

"Yes, exactly,"

Merlin chewed on his lip. He knew Morgana had some kind of magic, and she was very strong too. There was no denying that, but he genuinely could not believe she would be evil. That she would kill an innocent sorcerer or kill Uther. "I just don't believe Morgana would be evil. She's a good person. A better person that I ever could be,"

"I want to believe you, Merlin. I do. But I knew Elaine and I now know who my father truly was, and I have trouble believing that their heir wouldn't be as wicked as them," Arthur said.

Merlin jumped up in a fit of rage, "How dare you! How dare you speak about Morgana like that?"Merlin slammed his fist on the table so hard that a cup of wine spilt everywhere."I will not stand here and listen to you insult her like this," He declared.

Merlin threw the bedroom door open to storm out, and to his surprise the innkeeper was standing there.

"Er can I help you?" Merlin asked a little annoyed that this man has ruined his dramatic exit.

"Oh, I just wanted to make sure everything was alright for His royal highness," The man quickly said.

"Everything's fine. I just need to get some air. Would you mind taking me to the horses?"Merlin asked, and the two men left.

Arthur was worried about Merlin. He really was infatuated with Morgana, and that was risky. Arthur was also quite suspicious of the innkeeper. Strange that he had wanted to make sure everything was ok, but he hadn't knocked.

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