Chapter Two

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-Alison's POV-

 "Why did Demi pick that fat ugly troll?" Addy's laughter filled the room as Demi was signing the papers, I look at my feet my shoes becoming interesting. 

  "Excuse me but I don't like you talking to my daughter that way." Demi said, my head snapping up to her. "Ever," she continued. Addy smirk dropped and so did her jaw. She turned around and started to walk away and I felt like I won something. 

 Demi signed the last of the papers as Ms. Susan gave her and me a dirty look. I gained a bit of confidence and smirked at her, she rolled her eyes, Demi turned around and started to walk, I stuck my tongue at Ms. Susan and gave her the finger. She deserves it and I felt more confident with Demi by my side. 

"Wait Alison!" I hear someone yell, Demi and I spin around and see Drew. He approaches me and turns to Demi. 

"Can we talk alone please?" He asks Demi politely.

"Oh uhh.." Demi said, her cheeks turning a light pink as she looks as us. "I'll uh...see you outside." Demi said awkwardly shuffling out of the orphanage but looking perfect doing it. I wish I was Demi. I turned to Drew who took a deep breath.

"Hey Drew." I said in a quiet voice, expecting him to curse me out the last time. 

"Alison I like you." 


"I liked you ever since I saw you get pasta dropped on your head by Addy. I tried to get rid of my feelings because Addy would make fun of me as well but the only thing that did was make my feelings grow for you, I even watched you play your guitar all the time, all the fucking time. What I'm trying to say is Alison Davis I love you." Drew said, and I stood there frozen to the ground, every muscle in my body still from shock. 

"I..." I started to say. "If we are meant to be we will cross paths again." I say, turning around a fleeing. Drew liked me? Drew Tyson, the boy everyone in the orphanage liked? He must have loved me out of pity, of course.

I met Demi outside and she winked at me as if she knew what went on in the orphanage.

 Wow, Demi is my official guardian. It finally hit me that she is in charge of my life. Demi. Freaking. Lovato. 

  "Why did you adopt me?" I said the minute Demi and I got in the car that just drove up. Her bodyguard Max was in it so I guess he just brought this car. 

  "What?" Demi said turning towards me, seriously I was melting at how beautiful she is. I cleared my throat.

"Why did you adopt me?" I repeated the question. 

"I wanted to."

"Yeah but why?" 

"You sing like an angel, you look like an angel, you talk like an angel, you are an angel and I love angels." Demi answered and I stared at her shocked. "Sorry was that a bit too cheesy?"

"No it's just I never been called an angel before."I answered honestly and looked down at my lap. I suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around me and a voice whisper in my ear. "Get used to it." 

"Hope it lasts." I say under my breath. 

"What?" Demi questioned, unwrapping her arms from my body.

"Nothing." I answered quickly. She seemed to believe it and began tweeting, I sighed. Honestly I knew Demi would end up hating me, everyone does. I'm just a person everyone would hate, I guess one person doesn't hate me, Drew. I still can't over the fact Drew would like someone like me, it's impossible.  


We arrived at a big house, it was big, like realllly big. Demi grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the car. She unlocked the door and pulled me inside. 

"So what do you think?" Demi asked me as my mouth hung open. This house looked like heaven, from the outside you coulf tell there were four floors and the inside was just so beautiful. 

"You could pick which floor you want, third or fourth?" Demi told me, and I just looked at her like she was crazy. "I'm on the second floor." 

"You're seriously letting me pick?" I asked Demi, she nodded like it was obvious. "A whole floor?" 

"Yeah, it's just you and me in this house, Max sometimes but he has the first floor for emergencies, and we have an extra floor for guest."  Demi informed me. I nodded. 

"You should take the third floor, it's the biggest and we would be one floor apart." Demi whispered yelled, and then looked around like someone was watching her which was the cutest thing I've ever seen. 

"I guess I'll pick third." I said and Demi smiled.  She showed me to my room and I set my tiny suitcase down. 

"Is that all you have?" Demi asked me and she frowned. 


"Well then we have to go shopping." Demi said, her smile growing. 

"What?" I asked her, shopping? She isn't going to take me-

"I'm taking you shopping, today." Demi said, grabbing my rm and taking me down the elevator before I could even say a word. 

Well I have a bunch of butterflies in my stomach. The moment I woke up i didn't expect the day to end up like this, going shopping with Demi Lovato after she adopted me. 


Hey guys, this chapter is just filling in, you know to get the book in motion. In about two chapter the book is offically starting.

What do you think about Drew liking Alison? Do you ship it? Lol what would it be called Drewlison? 


I tried. 

Anyways thanks for reading this, we may start funny scenes like I did my book The Styles Triplets. Next update this week. 

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