Self Harm Advice

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This book contains self harm things so we decided to give some support. If you're EVER feeling down you can contact any of us. We'll always reply. If you don't want to contact us you can always read these encourging words. 

You know deep down you want to be perfect so everyone in society would accept you, you think being skinny is going to make everyone like you and you will be perfect. No. Some people with ideal bodies are rude and rotten and men only like them for sex. Open up and realize that. I don't want to look perfect, I wish I was really fat so I could realize who would really want me for me and nothing else

In my own eyes when I look in the mirror I smile that I didn't let society get to me, that I could be perfectly happy without anyone influence me and that my life is great. I could have abusive parents, I could be on the streets, I could be bullied but I'm not. Some people have bigger issues than trying to look perfect.

 Every time you feel like your ugly or fat write down how you feel and rant about society, you will realize that it isn't worth the trouble. Everyone is trying to push you off the edge without touching you. You can't jump off so they can laugh at your screams. You have to turn your head and go in the other direction so they can feel as though they lost because you won. You convinced yourself that no one could change you.

~Talia (1D_Feels_RT) [I've self harmed before but stayed strong, so should you]

I still can't believe that there are girls and boys hurting themselves right now just because of how they look or problems around them. I'm writing this because I want to tell all of you that all of you are beautiful, perfect in your own way, and that things are gonna get better. You don’t have the perfect figure to be accepted, you have to put yourself out there and show everyone how unique you are. You can’t expect aq thigh gap to bring you friends, it will bring you friends but fake back stabbing friends. I found my friends, people who actually accept me without being perfect. They know me for who I am and I couldn’t ask for anything else. I know that there are problems in your life right now but ignore that, focus on the positive. You’re alive, you have more chances in life. I know you are all like ''WHEN IS IT GONNA GET BETTER?'', but it is, I hope that one day in your life that you will find happiness and when you find it, take it in, and claim it yours because sweetie you deserve all the happiness in the world.

~Dai (Twitter: @ButeraDemetria) 

Numbness. Sting. Burn. That is all you feel when you hurt yourself. You feel as if it takes away the pain. It does but only for a little while. It isn't just one things that cause you to hurt yourself, it’s just everything and anything. But let's just stop and think for a second is this really benefiting us? All it does is just leave scars and marks behind that is a constant reminder of the pain. Everyday god will look down at you crying, “I worked so hard on you, why do you hate yourself so much?” These words moved me, you should wake up and realize that everything around you is happening for a reason, you’re alive to prove that society can’t get to you. Honey don’t let them win. Don’t you want to live just one more day to prove to society that you made it? In 10 to 20 years don’t you want to look back and say ha-ha fuck you society I made it! I stayed strong. Let's not focus on the negatives, think about the future! If you continue to hurt yourself one day you might just end your life. This puts an end to any hopes and dreams you ever had, don’t let them win, you’re beautiful in your own way and no one can change. Just wake up and realize not everything is perfect. The only perfect is a person who believes they’re beautiful even when no one else does. Maybe not now but someday you will be laughing and your life will be filled with happiness and joy, no more pain no more self harm. You ARE worth it. I know what it feels like you are not alone. You are gorgeous/handsome fuck society! Don’t ever think low of yourself. I don’t care if I don’t know you I Love you no matter what! I'm here for you

~Reema (Twitter: @Reeeeeeema3) That's seven e's 

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